Socking it to Europe

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Socking it to Europe - official

Socking it to Europe

The Script is written by all teachers of participating countries: France, Spain, Croatia, Slovenia and Austria

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Slideshow before Musical

Impressions and Flashbacks

This slide show shows some impressions of the two-year project which has been dissiminated via eTwinning and Twinspace. Is has been co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme by the European Union.

Socking it to Europe

During Musical

The slide show is created by two Austrian students aged 9 and 10 years. Jonas Nebl and Kevin Zweytick are very well skilled in using ICT. They visit optional subject in Volksschule Straß to improve their knowledge using New Media.

Both worked with a tool called Explained everything to let the airplanes fly. After finishing these videos the edited them with Movie Maker to add the refrains of projects anthem for each scene.

U rock Urope

The melody and arrangement of the project's anthem has been produced by Mr. Tardy. He is the husband of French partner Virginie Tardy.

All strophes have been written by children and teachers of each country in each working language. Thus, all strophes are in German, English, Frensh, Catalan, Croatian and Slovenian.

All students recorded their own strophes. They've been collected and sent to Mr. Tardy who put them all together.

First public release on stage has been in March 2019 in Lyon. Second release on stage has been in May 2019 in Austria.

Art@Heart Anthem

Anthem's Lyrics

The lyrics of project's anthem are written in different languages. The translations and meanings of their contents are written in English and added in the column.

U rock Urope - with lyrics and vocals

This video offers the possibility to sing along with the project's anthem. As one can read the text while listening to the music there is the posibillity to sing along the music like karaoke.

U rock Urope - Playback

This playback offers possibility to sing along with project's anthem without any vocals.

Untitled presentation

Impressions of Musical

We had a lot of fun during preparations although it was hard work and stressful too.

Before musical started, we produced the sock puppets ourselves using wool, old socks and recycling materials.

Learning the English text was quite tricky, because English is our secondary language.

Learning the lyrics of the project's anthem in all languages (English, German, Croatian, Slovenian, Frensh and Catalan) has been a big challenge, but it was very cool! We will never forget the melody and the song!

There were also many rehearsals, including an online rehearsal with the Croatian actors and participants.

Our hard work was definitely worth it and the result is/was impressive!