Investing in music education is an important step in further developing the cultural life of our society and simultaneously upholding the traditions of a country. This is why efforts to pass music on from one generation to the next are so important. The value of music however goes far beyond this, as Philippe Dalarun (F), President of the European Music School Union (EMU), points out: "In the face of darkening European skies, it is more necessary than ever to let the beacon of humanism and of a culture accessible to all shine. The new law introducing free music lessons in Luxembourg is a remarkable step forward in this respect and an example to follow. I congratulate the government of Luxembourg for this groundbreaking initiative".

"The introduction of free lessons from early musical training to playing an instrument is a unique initiative to promote cultural participation. Music lessons can be a profound experience from which children benefit all their life. It can lead them to a new form of expression and experience that they might otherwise never achieve. Promoting music-making also enriches a society! This is a fantastic initiative! It contributes to the country's reputation, as did the introduction of free public transport!"

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Among others, the following will be free of charge: the three-year early musical, instrumental and dance training, with the respective subsequent general ear training, instrumental training, vocal training, dance training as well as theatre and speech arts training up to the first diploma (7 years in total).

El corazn de la msica country late en el sur de Estados Unidos, desde el centro de la costa del Atlntico y la regin del sudeste hasta Texas. Kentucky y Tennessee son la fortaleza del bluegrass y sus descendientes, country & western, que atrapan a sus oyentes con sus melodas lnguidas y su tcnica dinmica. Son los dominios del banjo, la mandolina, el violn, la guitarra, el acorden y la armnica, todos ellos intercalados en un tejido de profundidad mstica. La msica country se suele asociar a tipos duros y bandoleros, pero llega a muchos ms.

Desde principios del siglo XX, la msica country ha evolucionado mucho y, actualmente, est abierta a nuevas ideas. Es habitual que juegue con los gneros del rock y la msica alternativa, pero ese flirteo puede acabar en disputas entre tradicionalistas y progresistas. Que no te importe. En puedes disfrutar de la ms amplia variedad de emisoras de radio de country y alternarlas segn lo que te apetezca: bluegrass, honky-tonk, Nashville, Americana y Tex Mex. Escucha a Hank Williams, Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton y Willie Nelson, y pronto te vers soando con los vastos paisajes americanos: Take me home, country roads...

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