The Mushipedia

Mushipedia is a collection of mushrooms you have found while growing your daughter! There are currently 32 mushrooms to find, all stars (excluding 0 stars) have 10 mushrooms, 2 of the same types!

There are 5 types in the game: Creepy, Bright, Culinary, Poison and Magic.

An Example of a Creepy type mushroom, inspired by the Ink Cap.

Creepy Icon


Creepy (Dampness) are the first on the Mushipedia, their icons is a dripping mushroom, and the pose usually has them sitting with their hand pointing and having something drip from the finger.


Next is Bright (Mycelium). Their icon will have a small mushroom with shiny roots or mycelium and bright flash on top of their cap, they usually clasp their hands together and are standing.

Bright Icon

An Example of a Bright type mushroom, inspired by the Rosy Veincap

An example of a Culinary mushroom, inspired by the Chanterelle.


Following Bright is Culinary (Robustness). Their icon consists of a bulky mushroom with a rigid cap and a hexagon pattern across it, usually they are leaning backward-ish.

Culinary Icon


Next on the line is Poison (Potency), their icon has a black aura coming from a small mushroom with some sparkles, they are usually seen sitting to the side like sitting with a wall behind your back.

Poison Icon

An example of a Poison mushroom, inspired by the Destroying Angel.

Example of a magic mushroom, inspired by the Wavy Cap

Magic Icon


And the last is Magic (Humanity). Their icon is a mushroom that has an eye with hands holding it, they are usually seen standing with one of their hands nearing their face. 

Growing your daughter!

The way you raise your daughter will affect what she becomes!

During the first 2 Witches' quest, you can pick what type your daughter will grow to be. The last one is a flower quest which doesn't necessarily affect what type your daughter will grow to be.

Over the course of the game, your actions will also impact some way your daughter will grow to be! And will affect the personality of your daughter as well.

Certain action will also fill a star bar! The higher the star the more likely your daughter become a rarer mushroom!

Zero Stars

The Zero Stars section only contains 2 girls, Mold and LBMs (Little Brown Mushrooms).

LBMs appears when your daughter didn't properly grew up well! Disposition usually tells wether or not your daughter is becoming an LBM or not (Such as the underdeveloped trait.

Mold appear when your daughter has a mold herself! You can avoid this as some choices can get your daughter it. (Witches' Clothing chore or leftover food)

The Bane of Mycologist, LBMs

The Bread Ruiner, Mold

Culinary Liar

The two poisonous mushrooms in the 1 Star Section has a special trait called "culinary liar" that must be found in order for said mushroom to be unlocked in the Mushipedia! These Mushrooms are Poison Pie and False Morel! (for further instructions, see spoilers)