Our assignment was created from the experiences that the group participants have been experiencing in this period of social isolation due to the covid 19. We seek to show something that identifies us and could express what not only us, as other students have been facing.

We presented as a main character a cloud, because besides being something easy to illustrate, it has a great sense behind it.

The cloud symbolizes movement, the passage from rainy to sunny, as the song "Quando a chuva passar”, by singer ivete sangalo would say: “Quando a chuva passar / Quando o tempo abrir / Abra as janelas / E veja eu sou o sol”. We tried to represent from this, the hope and the sure that these hard moments will pass.

We also tried to express our bad feelings and the way we run away from them. Unfortunately, the bad news have spreaded in the social media, creating a pessimistic and skeptical feeling in the population. Therefore, the slight alienation has been a way of escape, since we could only change the world if we were convinced of ourselves. That is, we can only renew the scenery from the outside if we change the scenery from the inside.

Also, through the comics, we wanted to express our gratitude for all the privileges, and take advantage of them to learn a positive lesson from all this. The self-care, the introspection, self-knowledge and the discovery of new and pleasurable activities were essential to remain firm.

We seek to represent in the illustrations colors that convey joy, lightness, peace and spirituality. We opted for more gentle/delicate designs to seek the reader’s emotional and reflective side. In brief, the creative process was fun to do!

Made by Brenda Pregardier, Lucas Rosa e Gabiela Campos.