MuseScore  un programma orientato a musicisti che non vogliono usare sequencer tradizionali e cercano una soluzione molto pi classica, come applicazioni per la scrittura musicale. Questo tipo di strumento mette il compositore nella condizione di scrivere opere musicali complete, con l'obiettivo di poterle poi riprodurre grazie a un modulo di suono o interpretate da un'orchestra.

Se stai studiando composizione e cerchi un software che ti accompagni nel tuo percorso formativo permettendoti di scrivere musica su un pentagramma e magari di sentirne un'anteprima senza troppe pretese, MuseScore  il programma che fa per te

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MuseScore  un programma di notazione musicale con l'innegabile vantaggio di essere open source.  quindi gratuito, diversamente da altri programmi pi celebri della categoria come Finale. Tuttavia  anche un po' pi basico rispetto ad essi. MuseScore ti permette di scrivere una partitura digitale in modo molto semplice e intuitivo, grazie a una barra degli strumenti e una palette autoesplicative e a una chiara interfaccia in italiano.

Potrai aggiungere note, sfumature di tonalit, intervalli, chiavi, tempi, testi e via dicendo con pochi click del mouse e trascinando gli elementi sull'interfaccia. MuseScore ti permette di inserire fino a quattro voci e pentagrammi illimitati. E soprattutto di ascoltare un'anteprima MIDI della melodia durante le operazioni di editing. Inoltre, puoi salvare gli spartiti in vari formati, stamparli e importare stili speciali.

MuseScore supporta i plugin, include un mixer e si rivela estremamente flessibile nell'uso. Quello che manca sono gli strumenti avanzati che puoi trovare in Finale, come il riconoscimento OCR di spartiti in formato immagine e l'individuazione di errori. Ma se stai cercando un'applicazione che ti permetta esclusivamente di scrivere le tue partiture al computer, MuseScore non ha nulla da invidiare ai concorrenti.

MuseScore 3  un programma gratuito per la composizione e la notazione musicale, ideale sia per i principianti che per i musicisti esperti. Puoi comporre e suonare la tua musica utilizzando una variet di strumenti e stili musicali, o ascoltare e imparare dalla musica degli altri. MuseScore  un programma di notazione che puoi utilizzare per creare partiture musicali, ed ha anche un lettore audio integrato che ti permette di ascoltare la tua musica mentre la componi. Puoi anche registrare la tua musica e aggiungerla alle tue composizioni. Questo programma  anche un programma di notazione MIDI. Puoi creare una partitura musicale utilizzando una variet di strumenti e stili. Le funzionalit di notazione musicale e lettore audio lo rendono facile per chiunque imparare la musica e comporre la propria musica. MuseScore 3  un programma gratuito che puoi utilizzare per comporre musica, imparare musica e creare partiture musicali.  ideale per i principianti e i musicisti esperti che vogliono creare la propria musica.

MuseScore is a music notation program for Windows, macOS, and Linux supporting a wide variety of file formats and input methods. It is released as free and open-source software under the GNU General Public License. MuseScore is accompanied by a freemium mobile score viewer and playback app, and an online score-sharing platform.

MuseScore was created as a fork of the MusE sequencer's codebase. In 2002, Werner Schweer, one of the MusE developers, decided to remove notation support from MusE and create a stand-alone notation program from the codebase.[10][11]

Version 0.9.5 was released in August 2009. By October 2009, MuseScore had been downloaded more than one thousand times per day. By the fourth quarter of 2010, MuseScore was being downloaded 80,000 times per month.[13][14]

At the end of 2013, the project moved from SourceForge to GitHub, and continuous download statistics have not been publicly available since then, but in March 2015 a press release stated that MuseScore had been downloaded over eight million times,[15] and in December 2016 the project stated that version 2.0.3 had been downloaded 1.9 million times in the nine months since its release.[16]

In 2017, the MuseScore company was acquired by Ultimate Guitar, which added full-time paid developers to the open source team.[18] In April 2021, it was announced that a parent company, Muse Group, would be formed to support MuseScore, Ultimate Guitar, and other acquired properties (including Audacity).[19] From 2021 to June 2022, the MuseScore company relocated its headquarters to Cyprus with Muse Group.[20]

MuseScore's main purpose is the creation of high-quality engraved musical scores in a "What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get" environment.[21] It supports unlimited staves, linked parts and part extraction, tablature, MIDI input and output, percussion notation, cross-staff beaming, automatic transposition, lyrics (multiple verses), fretboard diagrams, and in general everything commonly used in sheet music.[22][23] Style options to change the appearance and layout are available,[24] and style sheets can be saved and applied to other scores. There are pre-defined templates for many types of ensembles. Functionality can be extended by making use of the many freely available plugins.[22][23][25][26]

MuseScore can also play back scores through the built-in sequencer and SoundFont sample library.[24] Multiple SoundFonts can be loaded into MuseScore's synthesizer. It includes a mixer to mute, solo, or adjust the volume of individual parts, and chorus, reverb and other effects are supported during playback.[27] MIDI output to external devices and software synthesizers is also possible.[28]

MuseScore's native file formats are .mscx, which is XML data containing the score, and .mscz, a zip archive containing the .mscx and other data. The .mscz format is used as the default format, as it occupies less space and supports additional data, such as images.[29]

MuseScore also can import and export both compressed (.mxl) and uncompressed (.xml) MusicXML files, which allows a score to be edited in other music notation programs (including Sibelius and Finale). The latest edition of MuseScore uses MusicXML 4.0.[30] It can also import and export MIDI (.mid, .midi, and .kar), which is supported by many other programs (such as Synthesia), although since MIDI is not designed for sheet music, some information may be lost.

MuseScore can also import certain other music software's native formats, including Band-in-a-Box (.mgu and .sgu), Bagpipe Music Writer (.bww), Guitar Pro (.gtp, .gp3, .gp4, .gp5, and .gpx), Capella (must be version 2000 (3.0) or later; .cap and .capx) and Overture formats. It can also import MuseData (.md), which has been superseded by MusicXML.

Since May 2014 MuseScore has mobile apps available for iOS, Android and Kindle Fire which tie into the MuseScore score sharing site. The app can play scores, and allows changing of transposition and part extraction, but does not allow creating or editing scores.[25]

MuseScore also runs as a portable application.[31] It can be installed onto a regular hard disk drive or stored on a removable storage device such as a CD, USB flash drive or flash card, so that it can be run on any compatible Windows computer system.

In Musescore 3.6, a new notation font named Leland was introduced to the software, created by Martin Keary and Simon Smith. Its name is a reference to Leland Smith, the creator of a now-defunct notation program called SCORE.[32] The same update also introduced a new typeface Edwin, influenced by the font New Century Schoolbook.[33]

In Musescore 4.0, support was added for VST3 plugins on Windows and macOS, both instruments and effects. Along with this, the Muse Group released a free orchestral plugin called MuseSounds designed to provide a more realistic playback of notation.[34][35]

MuseScore is free and open-source and is written mainly in C++, with the graphical user interface making use of the cross-platform Qt toolkit. Originally founded by Werner Schweer, Nicolas Froment and Thomas Bonte, the project is now headed by Martin Keary (Lead Designer) and Vasily Pereverzev (Lead Developer) with a wider community also contributing.[65] Google Summer of Code has sponsored students to help develop MuseScore in 2013, 2014 and 2016 to 2021.[66] The development of MuseScore takes place on GitHub.[67]

MuseScore accumulated generally favorable reviews years after it was first launched, praising the software's relative ease of use and being a versatile free competitor to other scorewriters. Online computer magazine PC World rated it 3.5 out of 5 stars. It praised the precise control over the size and spacing of every object and the abilities to define keyboard shortcuts and to drag and drop modifiers, changing how they are played, but criticized the mouse methodology as occasionally unintuitive for not fully exploring the drag-and-drop potential.[69] Technology news website Softpedia rated it 4.5 out of 5 stars, calling the design "well-organized" and "comprehensive" and lauding the application's customizability, ability to upload user sheet music, and support for many file formats.[70] In its 2019 review that also scored the software 4.5 stars out of 5, TopTenReviews praised the ability to create tablature and percussion sheet music alongside traditional notation, support for hundreds of instruments, and being able to share music and interact with other composers online.[71] Reviewing MuseScore 4.0, British magazine Music Teacher welcomed this version's improved engraving, new cloud storage, and focus on accessibility, such as allowing users to export their compositions in braille, an expanded color scheme, and keyboard navigation. It also noted the playback feature's support for VSTs, including the application's own Muse Sounds, which the magazine considered a boon to teachers who have spent years dealing with the inconveniences of exporting their compositions.[72] 2351a5e196

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