Science vs. Religion

Is it a real conflict? An interview on the Village of Downers Grove channel.


Prepared by Murray Peshkin. Updated June 26, 2006

An essay for the general public entitled "Science and Religion: Can They learn to Live With Each Other?" (Published as Why We Can't Dilute Darwin, Murray Peshkin, Chicago Tribune Magazine, Feb. 12 2006)

Some mainstream religion resources that accept Evolution as not contradicting religious belief, are:

  1. Pope John Paul II's 1996 address "Truth Cannot Contradict Truth" to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

  2. A recent article by Cardinal Fiorenzo Facchini in the Vatican newspaper arguing that Intelligent Design is not science.

  3. A letter signed by over 10,000 protestant clergy arguing that it is wrong to reject Evolution on religious grounds.

The Scopes "monkey" trial has been replayed in the courts many times since 1925. Initially, the issue was allowing Evolution to be taught in public schools. Now the emphasis is on whether Intelligent Design should also be taught. Some court decisions of particular interest are:

  1. Judge John E. Jones' landmark decision in the Dover Area School board case, in which he ordered that Intelligent Design not be taught alongside Evolution. Judge Jones' decision gives an exceptionally clear legal analysis of the science-religion issue.

  2. A 1971 Supreme Court decision that promulgated what has come to be known as the Lemon test and is in many ways the counterpart in the science-religion arena of Roe v Wade in the abortion rights arena. The Lemon test requires that to satisfy the Constitution, "First, the statute must have a secular legislative purpose; second, its principal or primary effect must be one that neither advances nor inhibits religion; finally, the statute must not foster an excessive government entanglement with religion."

  3. A 1987 decision in which the Supreme Court overturned a Louisiana law that forbade the teaching of Evolution in the public schools unless it was accompanied by teaching of "creation science". The majority opinion relied on the Lemon test. Justice Scalia's dissenting opinion exemplifies the continuing opposition to the Lemon test.