X.I. - Art Rehabilitation A.I.

The droid is a sleek, slim, and high-tech model that is definitely out of place in the prison—a robot with a full set of oil paints, markers, pencils, and pens in a multi-layered apron it wears. It is obviously well made, as you can tell by the sturdy material and the fact that it was obviously designed with exceptional dexterity in the arms and hands. You think it is interesting, to say the least. It seems to be having a bit of trouble since the recent blackout, telling you that some of its internet systems are still booting back up. These types of androids usually run on a motor with an artificial intelligence system that requires wireless internet. When the power goes down, the internet goes down—which tends to scramble X.I.'s systems, an odd flaw for such a sophisticated machine.

“What’s a droid doing here?” Jack asks with more curiosity than confusion.

The droid's head pops up, and its face lights up. “Hello! I am X.I. an AI designed to engage in activities to rehabilitate the inmates. At the moment, several systems are down from the recent power outage.” A very snappy answer to the question, and it presents an opportunity for you to ask a few questions.

“Well, if that’s the case, systems check please?” you ask. It might be a good way to get some information from the AI.

“Optical, Visual, Temperature and Auditory sensors are all online. Artificial Intelligence core stable and online. Memory Array online. Teaching Programs A through Z backed up and Online. Soothing inspirational music is available. Positive motivational subroutines, file corrupted. Possible tampering detected. Repairing files from backup. Water coolant system, operational. Mob-”

Before X.I. can finish, Jack interrupts by asking “Water cooling?” in a leery tone.

“Yes, water-cooled. Although a possible toxin to members of the Planet X species, water is cheaper to use and less harsh on coolant systems than most industrial-grade coolants. All coolant lines are labeled within appropriate regulation and safety guidelines. They are almost impossible for anyone not experienced in working with my complex systems to open up.”

Jack looks over to you with a raised eyebrow before turning back to X.I. “We can call you if needed correct? We may or may not need to get a crew to open you up just to make sure your coolant system is still in one piece with no leaks.”

“Affirmative. I shall remain ready if you require my presence. I do have a rehabilitation activity scheduled for later.” X.I. replies punctually.

X.I. starts to move down the hallway. You both watch as the small motor that powers its movement, making a light humming noise, propels it away from you. You tell Jack you'll go grab the first person you'll be interrogating, Father McNab. Jack nods, starting to recite the laws of robotics under his breath. The rules are something to keep in mind for later especially if the A.I. became a primary suspect.

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