Father McNab - The Priest

"Hello, Father McNab. As I’m sure you remember, I'm Agent West, and this is my partner Agent Bartelle." You gesture to yourself and then to your partner sitting to your left to confirm that the man sitting in front of you understood. You wonder about the man and his motives; it’s not often you see a human priest out here on Planet X. "We just have a few questions for you."

In the typical outfit of a Catholic priest, a long black cassock and a white priest's collar, McNab rubs his fingers together as if working an invisible set of prayer beads. You note that he seems nervous. He keeps his eyes cast down as he responds. "Yes. Of course. Anything I can do to help." He speaks softly but clearly.

"You are the priest for this prison, is that correct?" you question him in a calming voice.

"Yes. I took the job to get my sister into the Planet X hospital. She was involved in a horrible attack a little while ago. They have the greatest chance of helping her out of anywhere else." His voice chokes a little at the mention of his sister, and his fingers move more quickly over the invisible beads. You remember reading about his sister and their previous life on earth in his personnel file. The two of them had a modest life on Earth. Then McNab’s sister was brutally attacked while they were out one night, and he was too drunk to defend or help her after. They were both found passed out in a park a few hours later. After that, he turned to sobriety and to the cloth. His second chance.

"Is it true that the Warden was going to fire you?"

"It's a possibility. He had not made any official decisions yet, but I fear it was simply a matter of time."

"So you killed him," your partner, Jack, bluntly questions, looking at him dead in the eyes.


"If he fired you, then you would have lost the ability to care for your sister, the only thing that matters to you. So, you killed him! Admit it, and we might be able to make a deal for your sister to continue to get the care she needs!" Jack moves closer, right into McNab's face.

McNab closes his eyes. "No. Everyone can be saved. Now, I will never know if I could have been the one to save him." His voice still quietly rings with something akin to despair, and a tear runs down his cheek. You exchange looks with your partner and step away to confer. You look at him every now and then while the two of you speak about your next plan for interrogation methods. He doesn’t seem as nervous as before. You decide on your next move and continue to speak with the priest, eventually giving up for the moment. Father McNab sure isn’t going to crack if he is guilty. After dismissing him, Jack follows him out and grabs the next suspect.

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