Risa Malone - The Journalist?

Taking a glimpse around the lobby, you find it really hard not to take note of the female fellow Xer who is pacing back and forth, looking rather displeased with the situation. Considering she was here at the time of the incident, she is now a part of the investigation, and considering Bartelle is busy talking to one of the guards now to get directions around the prison wards, you should approach her.

“Excuse me, Ma’am, is something wrong?” you ask politely, wanting to do your best to figure out why she’s in a bit of a tizzy.

“Oh! It’s just — I’m on a bit of a time crunch, and on top of that, I was in the middle of interviewing one of the inmates. I didn’t expect to be escorted to the lobby so quickly with what had happened. Risa Malone, journalist for The X Post.” She quickly responds and sounds progressively more worried as her sentence continues, especially when mentioning she's a journalist.

A curious plight she lays before you. With a nod of understanding, you give a pretty standard greeting: “Miles West, Intergalactic Federal Agency. I’d hate to be a bother, but because of the ongoing investigation and considering you were here during the murder, we may have to ask you some questions.”

Rather than looking displeased, she perks up and smiles. “Oh! Well, would I be allowed back in so I could continue interviewing Cedric? I have to get my article done and solid, especially with the warden dead. I really, really need this.” Her phrasing raises some suspicion in you.

“What do you mean 'especially with the warden dead'?” you ask while pondering her request.

“He was the one responsible for a lot of the mistreatment of Cedric. That's part of the story I'm working on. I want to get more insight on the warden from Cedric. The warden dead will a huge addition to my article.” She speaks rather quickly and bluntly. “I need to see him so I can finish my story.”

With a reluctant groan, you reply, “Fine, but you have to check back in properly, and if we need to talk to you, you best make yourself available immediately.”

“I will!” she replies in a suspiciously giddy manner while going to check back in, saying something hard to hear about how excited she was to see Cedric and return to work without the late warden interfering. It is something worth taking a mental note about. You may want to come back to her if the investigation requires it.

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