Celeste Emers - Visiting Family Member

After a couple more rounds of interrogation, you and Jack decide it is time to take a quick break. Feeling lost and somewhat discouraged, you and Jack decide to walk back down to the lobby to go outside and regroup before interviewing more inmates. Amongst them stands Celeste Emers, another reptilian alien, towering over others. You assume that she is at least 6'5"—a typical height for women in this species. Celeste is a typical family visitor who goes to see her brother Cedric Emers, one of the inmates in the intergalactic jail. Out of all of the visitors, Celeste by far comes the most. Despite Cedric’s conviction, she believes that he is innocent and wants him back home safe with her. Interestingly enough, Celeste had a meeting with the warden 20 minutes before his death.

“Celeste Emers?” you ask, walking near her.

“Is Cedric okay?” Celeste says quickly, tears brimming in her eyes.

“Cedric is okay, yes,” responds Jack, patting her lightly on the shoulder.

Celeste’s face eases as the worry dissipates.

“Do you know what happened?” you ask. “You saw the warden 20 minutes before his death.”

Celeste shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly.

“Did you know that water was the poison that killed him?” said Jack.

Celeste looks nervous, seeming unable to look at Jack or you. Finally, she states, “I didn’t kill him, but you can be damn certain I am happy he’s dead!”

“We didn’t say you killed him . . . ” you respond, looking at her questioningly.

“Well, I might as well say it now,” Celeste retorts back. She folds her long, blue arms. “You know how hard journalist Risa Malone and I have been trying to get my brother out. Once Risa wrote about the treatment these inmates were enduring, I was determined to get Cedric free. Haven't you heard the stories? The warden taunting and mentally abusing the prisoners in here. It is awful. So sure, I met with the warden before his death, but I didn’t even bring water in. How would I get the water in there in the first place? There are so many aliens allergic to it. Besides, there are cameras right outside the warden's office."

She unfolds her arms and shows off a tiny purse that was sitting in the crook of her arms. “Also, you can't bring purses into a prison. I have to check this in with security before entering the visitors' area."

You and Jack nod before Celeste starts talking again. “I’m just glad that Cedric is okay. I know that I made that blunt remark, but I’ve just been so scared for my brother. I wouldn’t want to jeopardize him just because of one person. If anything, I wanted the warden fired.”

With that, Celeste turns around and walks back into the parking lot, her long, black tunic flowing behind her. You and Jack look at each other before heading back into the prison's lobby.

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