Jayce - The AmnEsiac

The alien sitting in front of you is hunched over and wearing a modified inmate uniform that looks somewhat jester-like. They are of a slim stature, with striking rainbow hair that you could pick out of any crowd, peeking out from under an odd hat. They were seemingly unbothered by your presence—just eating their meal. In fact, you question if they had even left the cafeteria when the power went out.

"Excuse me . . .. " You take a seat on the opposite side of them and introduce yourself. "I am Miles West, an IFA agent. We're here investigating the murder of the warden earlier this morning."

They stop to glance at you and then resume eating as if you weren't there. You feel they are being rude ignoring the importance of the situation.

"Hello, what's your name?" You say in a firmer tone than before.

Finally, after finishing their meal and downing a cup of a green beverage, they answer your question. "Jayce."

"Ah, Jayce, then." You adjust your tie and give a professional smile. "Could you tell me more about yourself?"

Giving it some thought, Jayce deduced sharing their information was not going to be a problem. "Sure. I can't exactly remember when I came to this prison because when I opened my eyes, I was already here. I don't know what I did before I came to this prison either. I heard some people called it amnesia or something like that."

You start to feel a bit awkward and cough to ease the silence, "Ah, I see. That could be a problem." You look to Jack for guidance; he shrugs.

You give Jayce your apologies. "Have a good rest of your day."

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