Employees and Visitors

After check-in, Daldien Steil ushers you along, urging you to follow him to the cafeteria. You focus on the slow back-and-forth movements of his scorpion tail, which you know could kill you with one sting.

The journey over to the prison was long, and Jack had given you a large stack of files to go over to brief you on some of the suspects, which, as you guessed by the size of the pile, was almost everyone in the prison. You remember reading about Daldein Steil, second-in-command to the warden who was killed. Prisoners generally seem to like him, and Steil had had no documented incidents with them. You can tell that the other guards are uncomfortable around him though. You also recognize that written in the file was a comment from the warden that mentioned suspicion that Daldein Steil could be involved in some kind of contraband trading in prison.

Pushing that aside, for now, you follow Steil to the cafeteria, where you meet some of the prison’s other staff members. While the other staff still works, the few in front of you were flagged for being unaccounted for in the power outage. You know today will be full of interrogations, and you want to make sure you pick the right group of people to question first. In front of you is a group of seemingly calm people. You expected to see some upset on their faces considering the head of the prison was just murdered. You have to remember anyone could have done this.

The group before you includes Father Nicholas McNab. A handwritten note in his file said, “Has a compulsive desire to give second chances to others who want to repent for their sins." You definitely want to talk to him more.

Sitting at a table nearby is a man wearing a name tag that reads Dr. Zavir Avok. You introduce yourself to him and shake his hand. You recognize that he is a member of the Omu race, a group of people who believe they must help and serve others. He seems most concerned with getting back to work. You can tell he takes his job seriously and doesn’t like people getting in the way of it.

Missing from the group was Chef Julius Bradford. Steil informs you and Jack that he’s in the kitchen in the back of the cafeteria. Before you reach the kitchen, you see an inmate nearby looking sullen and slightly confused. You decide to talk with them first.

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