Welcome to the Munting Luntian Virtual Exhibit website of PUP Herbarium! A project of the Research Institute for Science and Technology (RIST) - PUP Herbarium (PUPH) that features the wayside, perennial plants of our Sintang Paaralan main campus.

This virtual exhibit does not only aim to showcase the aesthetic worth of the plants found inside the campus, but also to provide knowledge to the PUP community about its economic and ecological importance as well as its historical and conservation value. This project will also provide substantial information on some of the old trees that will be eventually declared as PUP's "Heritage Trees" in the near future.

Would you want these verdant members of our campus landscape to remain for another decade or so? Join us as we advocate for the permanent residence of our old tree friends on campus and for the PUP community's appreciation of their bountiful beauty. Hear their whispers of a rich history that they have witnessed, and may we cherish everything that they have gifted us since the day they have sprouted until today that they became the gentle green giants of the main campus.


Interesting facts, distinguishing characteristics of plants, detailed information, plus videos of docents to be found in the exhibit section!

(Artocarpus camansi Blanco)

You all remember this Filipino quote that goes like Kapag binato ka ng bato, batuhin mo ng tinapay... Uhm, can I toss a Breadfruit, instead?

Just kidding! Anyway, if you want to know more about what I am talking about just click this, AND YOU’LL SEE *winks*…

(Ficus religiosa L.)

Some religions believe in the power of nature. They believe in the natural forces that drive us towards the path of enlightenment. Well, who does not want to be enlightened?

This tree is sacred for Buddhists as they believe Gautama Buddha meditated and achieved enlightenment under this tree. It is even a sin for them to harm such kinds of natural entities.

(Pterocarpus indicus Willd.)

“Ten tenenenen ten ten teneneneen tenen tene nene nenen ♪♫” (in tune of graduation march sound)

A sweet goodbye—cheer up y’all! Signaling the end of the school year, the Philippine National Tree, Narra, usually blooms from February to May, covering the floor with its yellow blooms. And no need to go to Japan because we have our own native cherry blossom-look alike, providing us a rainfall of flowers and a golden carpet of blossoms...

Anna Ruby P. Gapasin, DEM
PUP Vice President for Research, Extension, Planning and Development

Every one of us has a role to play in creating a greener future — a commitment to actively protect our ecosystem. The unique importance of plants as a vital part of the world’s biological diversity and an essential resource for maintaining environmental balance and ecosystem stability.

I am pleased to offer my gratitude and congratulations to all the movers of this significant initiative led by the Research Institute of Science and Technology in choosing this huge task in showcasing the rich landscape and beautiful plants found on the university campus.

The PUP Herbarium will provide a valuable contribution that will enable our students to visit, explore, study, and add to the collections, increasing scientific collaboration and knowledge. This will serve as a valuable communication and awareness-raising tool on the importance and value of safeguarding our natural resources, particularly our perennial plants on the campus.

I wish you all an incredible and fulfilling journey as you continue to inspire students, stakeholders, and the global community in embracing botanical diversity!

Armin S. Coronado, PhD.
Research Institute for Science and Technology Director

Hard work. This is the word that this virtual exhibit embodies. I have witnessed the struggles and success of all the organizers in carrying out this event. It is an honor to be part of this endeavor. I have seen the dedication of the PUP Herbarium curators and student apprentices in our advocacy to protect our native trees in the University. I hope that this advocacy does not end here but the beginning to appreciate and understand the value of wayside perennial plants of our Sintang Paaralan as well as the environment itself. Let us continue to share our knowledge and promote greener and sustainable communities as we take on the path of our own careers. Again, Congratulations to everyone for taking this step towards a life-long journey of nurturing our nature and serving the PUP community - Mula Sa Iyo, Para sa Bayan.

Lincoln A. Bautista, PhD.
Dean, College of Science

On behalf of the College of Science faculty and staff, it is my pleasure to witness the fruit of your efforts and willingness to share your knowledge on the wayside perennial plants in PUP Main Campus through a virtual exhibit.

Congratulations to all the organizers, especially to the students who were able to show not only their wits and talents, but also how diligent and passionate they are in their field.

This exhibit is of great contribution to our university and I am certain that it has served its purpose. Congratulations. Let us work together towards a greener Sintang Paaralan.

Annalee S. Hadsall, MSc.

UPLB Institute of Biology Associate Professor

UPLB Botanical Herbarium (CAHUP) Curator

Warmest congratulations to the organizers of the Munting Luntian virtual exhibit website of the PUP herbarium. The exhibit gave us a glimpse of the colorful history of the university through the wayside perennial plants standing mighty and strong inside the campus. Each plant symbolizes a stage in the metamorphosis of a once well-known school of commerce to a research state university, now the Polytechnic State University.

Of utmost significance provided in this virtual exhibit is the encounter it provides with the real thing. The lifelong learning experience gained from knowing the botany and the history of each plant species will leave a trail of memories for the PUP community as well as the other stakeholders.

Munting Luntian will serve as an exemplar for urban universities and other government institutions to showcase, preserve and conserve the remaining patch of plants that will serve as the lungs of the city.

God bless PUP!