
Fluids & volatiles in the Earth’s mantle & crust

Fluid infiltration in the lithospheric mantle beneath the Rio Grande rift, USA (Park et al., 2017)

Rheological evolution of the subduction interface

Relationships between eclogite‐facies mineral assemblages, deformation microstructures, and seismic properties in the Yuka terrane, North Qaidam Ultrahigh‐Pressure Metamorphic Belt, NW China (Park & Jung, 2019)

Physico-chemical heterogeneity of the lithospheric mantle

Petrofabrics between the rift axis and shoulder: Implications for seismic anisotropy beneath the Rio Grande rift, USA (Park et al., 2014)

Development of lithospheric shear zones

Microstructural evolution of the Yugu peridotites in the Gyeonggi Massif, Korea: Implications for olivine fabric transition in mantle shear zones (Park & Jung 2017)