

1977 Born in KYOTO, JAPAN. (京都生まれ)
1984-86 Makiminato elementary school of Urasoe city in OKINAWA, JAPAN (沖縄県浦添市立巻港小学校)
1986-88 Kamioka higashi elementary school of Kamioka cho in GIFU, JAPAN (岐阜県神岡町立神岡東小学校)
1990 Jakarta Japanese school in INDONESIA (ジャカルタ日本人学校卒業).

1993 Koshigaya city central junior high school in SAITAMA, JAPAN (埼玉県越谷市立中央中学校卒業).

1996 Urawa high school in SAITAMA, JAPAN. (埼玉県立浦和高等学校卒業)

2001 University of TOKYO, BA in Economics.  (東京大学経済学部卒業)

2003 University of TOKYO, MA in Economics.  (東京大学経済学研究科修士課程修了)

2006 University of TOKYO, Ph.D. in Economics. (東京大学経済学研究科博課程修了)

Academic Positions

1/4.2006-31/3.2007 COE PD at Department of Mathematics, Keio University. (慶應義塾大学COE特別研究助手)

1/4.2007-31/3.2010 granted a JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists at Department of Mathematics, Keio University. (日本学術振興会 特別研究員)

1/4 2008-31/3 2009 Visiting Researcher at Technische Universität München (ミュンヘン工科大学 客員研究員)

1/4.2010-31/3.2011 PD at Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo. (東京大学特任研究員)

1/4.2011-present, Associate Professor at Department of Business Administration, Nanzan University. (南山大学 経営学部 准教授)