Alternatively you can download and run the latest MSI installer (mumble-1.x.x.msi; "winx64" for the 64-bit version) from the GitHub releases page.

 Note: Releases that include the term "RC" are Release Candidates and therefore Test Versions.

sorry i will try to make this as short as i can wanted a game and there download was kinda bad to my connection used vpn to get and all was good mumble was working perfect the game had a patch so used vpn as it was still in beta so server was not really stable forgot about the vpn connection btw it's not some thing u download it's a setup payed for too i didn't mind it since needed it for that time only now got on mumble and vpn showed i am from uk when the patch was down i turned it back to my normal connection mumble d/c and i was it's ok nothing big but now since god only know's how long can't get on the server i can using a vpn but not the normal connection got on the forum's asked some one to reset my info it was down but now i lost my nick and can't log on this is my log

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now the game server is much batter but i can't stop paying for the vpn coz of this problem so if some one can help me it would be super great other from place can get on mumble btw so i am at lest sure not isp problem or as they say 100% of the time

ok it's both connecting to a mumble server problem and can't get mumble version information jumped on other voice chat so i can make it's not me i could use vent and team speak both working and for mumble it's not only one server it's any server on mumble

Then I tried to follow the steps to compile mumble myself, but the steps mentioned on -voip/mumble/blob/master/docs/dev/build-instructions/ do not work for me. (Package qt5-default is not available on raspberry pi repository.)

An alternative minimalist implementation of the mumble-server (Murmur) is called uMurmur.[21] It is intended for installation on embedded devices with limited resources, such as, for example, residential gateways running OpenWrt.[22]

I had the same problem earlier. I just restarted mumble a couple of times and it eventually worked.

Although I did try resetting the overlay to default and switching between the whitelist and blacklist.

When I tried to use mumble.exe that is the error message that I received. As you can see from the screenshot, there is a mumble11x.exe that I was able to open, however Mumble version 1.1 does not have an overlay.

The default Murmur configuration file is at /etc/mumble/mumble-server.ini and is heavily commented.Reading through all the comments is highly recommended.More information can be found on the Mumble wiki here.

The Mumble developers prefer distributions to name the server packagemumble-server. Currently this is named murmur in Fedora. This change renamesthe server package to align with upstream. The required provides/obsoleteswill be added per the packaging guidelines.

As Mumble is voice chat software, to test this change you will need amicrophone and headphones/speakers. The carlwgeorge/mumble copr repositorycontains the updated packages. Install the mumble package to test the client.Install the mumble-server package to test the server. If you have other Mumbleservers you routinely connect to, connect to them with the updated mumblepackage. If you are familiar with setting up a Mumble server, set one up withthe existing 1.3.x packages and then update to the 1.4.x packages. Verify thatthe server configuration file gets relocated as described in this change.

Not knowing what Google hangouts really are, how about mumble? The most recent Windows version as of now is at -voip/mumble/releases/download/1.2.10/mumble-1.2.10.msi and there are *nix versions of both client and server as well. We use it with great success as our voice conferencing system in the German Pirate Party, having had some 200 participants to countless conferences. The recordings of some of them, e.g. with world bank scientists, are on youtube. --Purodha Blissenbach (talk) 11:38, 24 September 2015 (UTC)Reply[reply] 2351a5e196

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