I realize a good SDK is hard to come by in any project, but I would like any advice you could give me. Even a headless mumble client with good RPC / APIs could work, but I can't find those either.

Depending on your system/OS you may find our mumble-releng repository useful, which can prepare a build environment for you. Specifically for Windows. It will download the depenencies and compile them. See -voip/mumble-releng

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I was unable to compile libmumble in my testing (it may be my computer) but I did find a simple library (mumlib) that works with some tweaks. I did more research and yeah the Protobuf is quite useful, I didn't realize at first that the protocol was so open. 

I would like to integrate mumble voice client into my C++ application. I was able to build libmumble, but attached examples of client and server are quite simplified. Am I right that example client in examples/ExampleClient directory just connects to server and receives version ? Is there some working example of custom client ? Or should it be modeled after real client ( -voip/mumble/tree/master/src/mumble ?) ?

Yes the examples in libmumble are very limited at the moment. However, libmumble itself is not yet API stable anyway, so creating a lot of detailed examples wouldn't make sense at this point. That's also why there isn't a lot of documentation yet - it's currently more in a Beta state.

- am I right that libmumble example client (examples/ExampleClient directory) is very limited and it really only makes network connection to the server ? According to messages, it receives version and I think nothing more happens. Looking at the protocol documentation ( -protocol.readthedocs.io/en/latest/establishing_connection.html) this seems to be the first phase of handshake.

Have a look at -voip/mumble/blob/master/docs/dev/TheMumbleSourceCode.md - that should be a good starting point. So in a nutshell: yes the classes that you listed are probably the most important ones for you.

As a side-note: I think it'll probably be less work to adapt libmumble and then refactor your code when the API changes instead of rewriting the entire protocol- and network-level communication and handling yourself. So if you have to read source code anyway, I would suggest looking into libmumble for how to use it. And feel free to create an issue in its repository if you have questions about it.

Nothing to be sorry for. The main Mumble source code unfortunately still is quite messy at times (we are working on it though) and since libmumble isn't documented at all yet, it is clear that it is not obvious how it should be used (and what it is capable of).

OK, I focused on libmumble example client. Example client seems to finish on receiving version from server. According to protocol description ( -protocol.readthedocs.io/en/latest/establishing_connection.html) this should be followed by user authentication. I created Authenticate structure and sent it through connection (once only) - it seems the user was authenticated and it appeared in remote client as connected and joined channel.

Being a developer myself I've looked into mumbles code, but honestly both murmur and mumble itself seems to be rather difficult to get into. They seem to be built on some strange archaic technologies, QT, and the documentation is almost non existent. I wanted to create a bot, a channel viewer, or simply just fix a bug in mumbles Logitech G15 display... but it was not something I ever managed to even get started.

I've been using mumble for more than a decade, and IMHO, there is nothing better. I have control over its use, where the server is, who is on it, and what they are doing on it. Thats the difference. 

Reading the webpage, showing the exact same "In the next version we might have video images of users" that I read when I started using mumble, years ago.... and looking at Github where pull requests from 2017 are still laying around.... made me question how much alive it actually is.

As a lurker here for a while, mumble is about to rip right through a hobby that has been forced to evolve into cyberspace, against its will I might add, in the last 3 months. It works the same way only better, than the systems in use now which consist of actual wired in telephones, cheap radios and just plain shouting.

An alternative minimalist implementation of the mumble-server (Murmur) is called uMurmur.[21] It is intended for installation on embedded devices with limited resources, such as, for example, residential gateways running OpenWrt.[22]

I just got a new pair of headphones which have much better isolation than my old pair. As a result, it is difficult for me to hear my own voice when I am wearing the headphones. I have remedied this problem by talking with one headphone off my ear. I am trying to think of a way that I can comfortably use mumble with both headphones on my ears. 

Two ways I could think of doing this. First one would be IN and using Mumble. In the advanced setting for audio output there's an audio "loopback test" - you could turn this on to hear yourself. Using local I presume will allow you to hear yourself (and what you sound like) prior to the transmission going through the mumble server, setting it to server (I presume) will allow you to actually hear what other people are actually hearing of/from you.

Your reaction gave me the idea to uninstall mumble and install again. It did not work because all my settings were still there. Then I uninstalled with Revo Uninstaller pro. I removed Mumble from %AppData\Roaming\Mumble and Regedit (HKCU\Software\Mumble). I downloaded Mumble 1.2.8. again and connected to my server.

I have forwarded at port 64738 on my modem, both TCP and UDP. And I still cannot connect. I have not changed any settings in mumble or murmur, they are all at their defaults, but I have registered myself as a user while connected via local ip.

Would need to edit the mumble-server.ini file and comment out the dbus line (#dbus=system). The change would be lost on restart since the ini file is not brought out to the appdata folder. In short, not really a working Docker so as-is.

Some of our mumble rooms, most notably the fleet and general lounge channels are linked to other channels. The purpose of these sub channels is to give the group within the option to talk to each other without all of the linked channels being able to hear it.

A good web app -- a major blocker to the adoption of Mumble is theneed for that complex app. If users could join just with a webbrowser, adoption would be much easier. There is a web app calledmumble-web out there, but it seems to work only for listening asthere are numerous problems with recording: quality issues,audio glitches, voice activation, voiceactivation.. The CCC seems to be using that app to stream talktranslation, so that part supposedly works correctly.

All in all, mumble has some deeply ingrained UI limitations. it'sbuilt like an app from the 1990, all the way down to the menu systemand "status bar" buttons. It's definitely not intuitive for a new userand while there's an audio wizard that can help you get started, itdoesn't always work and can be confusing in itself.

Update: it seems the idea of simplifying the Mumble interface willtake some time to sink in. After presenting this article in the#mumble Freenode IRC channel, it became obvious that having a moreusable interface is not a priority. To put it in the words of aparticipant in the channel:

it feels odd that given mumble has so many things going for it, the folks working on it give a sense of just having had enough. it took me a while to get mumble bot set up as all the guides were at least 10 years out of date and the only one that ended up working was in German.

Currently using scav mumble as a player scav is mostly to confirm with other player scavs that you are in fact, both scavs. The mumble can turn aggressive when you shoot, get damaged or sometimes randomly (maybe from ai scavs being aggro causing an infectious mood kind of system?). The problem is when you mumble at a traitor scav or a pmc it does not consistently turn aggressive. I think if you could use mumble as a way to check enemies it would be more consistent with how ai scavs work, since they automatically yell at any enemies.

I do not think mumble should be turned into a proximity checker where you can spam it and it will turn aggressive if there are enemies nearby. I would have it require direct line of sight, and maybe even a range limit. You could say that this is unrealistic, how would you be able to tell if a player scav is a traitor if they appeared out of nowhere? But ai scavs already somehow know no matter what so it would be more consistent.

The code that mumble uses for making a plugin for a game is actually fairly easy so it might not be too hard to do it. I am going to be working on the code myself just really out of practice with coding so thought I would post it here so that someone who is more practiced with programming could take a crack at it.

This tutorial is written for Ubuntu 14.04; however, the process is the same for any recent Ubuntu distributions that have the mumble and mumble-server packages in the repositories. A server with 512 MB of RAM should be plenty to run Murmur with 50 clients in high quality. If you are using the same Droplet for other tasks, more RAM is recommended. Murmur does not consume much CPU.

I set up a user mumble_admin and added to group wheel. I then used this user to download and install mumble using apt_get. I used the debian/ubuntu config to reconfig the server, then restarted. No evidence of any issues so far.

Then downloaded and installed the mumble client on my Linux Mint laptop. The settings options look a little different from the tutorial - missing password option. Using the IP from the DO droplet so it should be in computer speak not human speak, It loops round attempting to reconnect.

Downloaded and installed the mumble client on a Win10 laptop, similar - the layout on the screen is swapped the user and the server name, but very similar to the tutorials. No connection to the server. 2351a5e196

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