This section indicates the specie(s) of members in your system.
This is the longest tag, so we have divided it into sections. Most of it is taken directly from the original website, albeit with some new additions.
Ctrl + F to find a species quickly.
S.H Human or humanoid, Earth-origin
S.Hg Giant
S.Hf Fairy
S.He Elf
S.Hd Dwarf
S.Ht Troll
S.Hm Mermaid/man
S.T Technological
S.Tr Robots, androids, cyborgs
S.Ta Artificial intelligence, computer viruses
S.U Undead
S.Uv Vampire
S.Ug Ghoul
S.Uz Zombie
S.S Spiritual
S.Sa Angel
S.Sg God/Goddess
S.Sh Ghost
S.Sp Poltergeist
S.Sd Demon
S.Sv Devil
S.F Fish
S.K Mollusk
S.N Plant
S.C Personified Concept
S.~ Shapeshifter
S.F Fictional Species (specify if needed)
S.o Other/Unlisted
S.M Mammal
S.Mc Canine
S.Mcw Wolf
S.Mcd Dog
S.Mcf Fox
S.Mcc Coyote
S.Mf Feline
S.Mfc Cougar
S.Mfl Lion
S.Mft Tiger
S.Mfx Lynx
S.Mfp Leopard
S.Mfo Ocelot
S.Mfj Jaguar
S.Mfh House Cat
S.Me Equine
S.Meh Horse
S.Med Donkey
S.Mem Mule
S.Mez Zebra
S.Un Ungulate
S.Mud Deer
S.Muc Cow
S.Mue Elk
S.Mb Bat
S.Mu Bear
S.Mp Primate
S.Mpa Ape
S.Mpm Monkey
S.Mm Mustelid
S.Mmf Ferret
S.Mms Skunk
S.Mmb Badger
S.Mmm Mink
S.Mmp Pine Marten
S.Mr Rodent
S.Mrr Rat
S.Mrm Mouse
S.Mrg Gerbil
S.Mrh Hamster
S.Mrs Squirrel
S.Mrc Capybura
S.Mw Whale
S.Md Dolphin
S.M Reptile
S.Rg Alligator
S.Rc Crocodile
S.Rl Lizard
S.Rlc Chameleon
S.Rls Skink
S.Rlk Komodo Dragon
S.Rlm Monitor
S.Rlg Gecko
S.Rs Snake
S.Rsc Cobra
S.Rsp Python
S.Rsb Boa Constrictor
S.Rsg Garter Snake
S.Rsr Rattlesnake
S.Rt Turtle, Terrapin, Tortoise
S.D Dinosaur
S.Ds Sauropod
S.Dr Tyrannasaur
S.Dv Velociraptor
S.Dt Triceretops
S.Dg Stegosaurus
S.Du Utahraptor
S.Dd Deinonychus
S.Dm Microraptor
S.A Alien
S.Am Martian
S.Av Venusian
S.Akr Kryptonian
S.Ag Grey
S.Av Vulcan
S.Akl Klingon
S.Aw Wookie
S.Ae Ewok
S.At Homestuck troll
S.Ag Steven Universe gem
S.B Bird
S.Bc Corvid
S.Bcc Crow
S.Bcr Raven
S.Bcm Magpie
S.Bcb Bluejay
S.Bd Dove
S.Bdk Duck
S.Bf Finch
S.Bg Goose
S.Bh Hummingbird
S.Bpr Parrot / psittaform
S.Bprg African Grey
S.Bprm Macaw
S.Bpra Amazon
S.Bpre Eclectus
S.Bprc Cockatoo
S.Bprt Cockatiel
S.Bprb Budgerigar (Parakeet)
S.Bp Pigeon
S.Bph Phasianidae
S.Bphr Partridge
S.Bphc Peafowl/ Peacocks
S.Bphp Pheasant
S.Bphq Quail
S.Br Raptor
S.Brh Hawk
S.Bre Eagle
S.Brv Vulture
S.Bro Osprey
S.Brk Kestrel
S.Brw Owl
S.Brf Falcon
S.Bo Robin
S.Bs Swan
S.P Amphibian
S.Pf Frog
S.Pt Toad
S.Pn Newt
S.Ps Salamander
S.L Mythological
S.Ld Dragon
S.Ldw European / Western
S.Lde Long / Eastern
S.Ldy Wyvern
S.Lds Amphithere
S.Ldwr Wyrm
S.Ldd Drake
S.Lc Centaur
S.Lf Faun
S.Lg Gargoyle
S.Lo Golem
S.Lr Gremlin
S.Lf Gryphon/Griffin
S.Lh Hellhound
S.Ln Nymph
S.Lsp Sprite
S.Ls Satyr
S.Lu Unicorn
+ More than one of previous species.
* Anthro version of previous species.
& Cross between two species.
? Unknown.
^ Non-sapient.
~ Used as a modifier to denote a shapeshifter with limited forms (S.H~Mcw would be a werewolf).
++ Indicates all or many species; used to save space and avoid listing all or too many. Used as S.++
Put your species in "quotes" if it's not included or you would like to be more specific.
S.H+/Lde+/Bcm*/Mfh^ -- The system has more than one human, more than one Long dragon, an anthropomorphic magpie, and a non-sapient housecat.