Submission Instructions

Important Dates

1-page abstract submission: 05.02.2018

Invitation for full submission: 15.03.2018

Full Submission: 06.05.2018 (extended)

Notification about acceptance: 05.10.2018 (extended)

Final article submission: 04.11.2018

Final review: 31.01.2019 [extended]

Final notification 22.02.2019

Publication: 06/2019 (

Submission Process

For this special issue, we followed a two-stage approach:

First, authors were invited to submit an abstract describing their intended submission. Based on these abstracts, submissions which fit to the topics of this special issue will be invited for a full submission.

The submitted full submissions underwent a thorough review process and were reviewed by domain experts. Note: An invitation for a full submission does not warrant publication. Acceptance decisions were only based on the reviews of the full submissions.

Submission Instructions

Authors were requested to follow instructions for manuscript submission to the Journal of Multimodal User Interfaces (


Abstract submissions should not exceed 1 page.

Full Submissions

Full submissions should be around 8-16 pages and must not have been previously published.

Make sure to follow Springer's instructions for authors.