The ManageEngine FREE Ping tool is a simple yet powerful tool with an elegant UI that lets you ping multiple IP addresses simultaneously.This tool helps you ping up to 10 devices continuosly at set frequency. The ping data such as IP Address, Round Trip Time(RTT), Time To Live (TTL), Buffer Size and the status gets updated in a table.

Users can enter either Host Name or the IP Address of the remote host in the Address field. Multiple IP Addresses / Hostnames can be added by either clicking the Add button or pressing the "Enter" Key in the Address field.

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I'm aware of the methods where you can run a Bash for loop and ping multiple servers, is there a Linux CLI tool that I can use which will allow for me to do this without having to resort to writing a Bash script to ping a list of servers one at a time?

oping uses ICMP packages (better known as "ping packets") to test the reachability of network hosts. It supports pinging multiple hosts in parallel using IPv4 and/or IPv6 transparently.

This package contains two command line applications: "oping" is a replacement for tools like ping(1), ping6(1) and fping(1). "noping" is an ncurses-based tool which displays statistics while pinging and highlights aberrant round-trip times.

This will take your endpoints as command line arguments and send a 5 count ping to each one as a background process and then wait for all to finish before exiting. It will print the last three lines of the ping output which contains useful stats about the success rate and latency.

This alters the xargs defaults to force 1 input argument per ping execution, and allow an unlimited number of parallel child processes (1 per pinged host). It is probably wise to set -P (aka --max-procs) to a sane value if intending to ping a large number of hosts (they'll all be processed; just fewer simultaneously).

Its short enough to use directly, could be added as a function to your shell profile or rc file, or turned into tiny script in your $PATH. In the examples below, -P has been set to 10 to avoid excessive resource consumption.

It takes advantage of printf's ability to "auto-iterate" its arguments while re-using its format string over each argument. The above printf therefore produces a sequence of ping & strings for each host provided as argument, and feeds such sequence of commands through Command Substitution to the eval command to have them executed immediately.

I do not know what you want exactly but you could change the last 8 bit-set into the decimal 255, so your hosts will receive a broadcast, actually,it will transmit ping packets to all devices that exist in a network.

Colasoft Ping Tool supports ping multiple IP addresses simultaneously and list the comparative responding times in a graphic chart, which makes it outstanding other ping tools. Our users can not only view historical charts by saving them to *.bmp files, but also ping the IP addresses of captured packets in network analyzer (e.g. Colasoft Capsa Network Analyzer) conveniently, including the resource IP addresses and destination IP addresses.

Colasoft Ping tool will highlight the specific node and node border upon it. An annotation will automatically popup which contains the domain name and response time. The response time in the annotation will be a range of time when the mouse cursor puts on the grid, while it will be a time if the mouse cursor puts on the grid line.

Colasoft Ping tool allows pinging multiple IP addresses and domain names at one time without upper limit of the addresses' number. Enters IP addresses and domain name into the address pane, separate each other with a blank space, comma or semicolon, then clicks the Start Ping button to execute ping command.

I needed a function to ping many computers, and get the results of the pings in an array so to manage it easily in a script.

Searching in the forum I found some interesting sw with a nice graphical interface, but not a generic function that simply return an array.

a very powerful pinger I found is >nPing by Manadar, but it is designed as a command line tool, so I decided to use the entire engine of nPing adapting it a bit, so that it can be used as an udf.

This code is a first attempt (beta) and it can be used to:

After some testing, I have seen that sometime some IP are reported as dead, while are alive instead.

This occurs when a device is not so fast to answer to the ping, and so it's marked as dead while instead is only too slow to answer to the ping.

I came to the conclusion that for a more accurate result about the not responding devices, is better to use a $timeout parameter of 4000 ms as default value in the _MSPing() function (the same default timeout value as in the standard ping command)

So I have "calibrated" the multiping.au3 by modifying the line 349 and incrementing the value of the $Timeout variable from 100 ms to 4000 ms.

This should be a better choice for a general purpose utilization that gives more stable and accurate results about the not responding devices.

I was wanting to create a text file list of IP's that this script would read from, ping hte devices and display the results in colored squares. I was hoping to have the left colum of the text file, which is the name associated with the IP to display under the colored box and not the IP address.

I have done some other slight modificaitons to fit my needs, but have run into something else I can't seem to accomplish. I have added a sleep line so that it pings the devices every 15 minutes instead of continously, but now it would be nice to have a timestamp of the last time it pinged the devices in the list so one could look at the window and know that the script is still doing it's thing - otherwise you jsut see green boxes unless you happen to catch the boxes flicker yellow when it does it's round of pings. Or if not a time stamp could like a 15 minute countdown timer display - that could work too.

Hi, I like this scripts so much, but i have one comment on the ping or refresh. Lets say I have 1000 host to monitor, when I run it, it will takes around probably 5 minutes for it to went over all the list one by one as it loop the array. Is there a way that we split the job for example every 100 hosts will run in separate job:

The _nPing function doesn't ping addresses stepping "over all the list one by one as it loop the array", but it already pings more addresses simultaneously. Precisely it spawns 20 pings at once. (have a look to the task manager while the function is running and you will see 20 Ping process running).

I think that over a certain number of simultaneous pings the overall performances could worsen instead of improve, this because of the overload on the lan card of your pc.

Anyway, if you want try such stress-tests, you have to simply increase the value of the variable $MAX_PROCESS on the first lines of the _nPing() function.

Now it's calibrated on the value of 20 simultaneous pings, but you can change this value as you like (within sensate values of course), maybe you can increase this value to 80 hoping to obtain better performances..... (?)

@dascondor, the _nPing function allows various ways to pass ranges of IP addresses just specifing one IP address and the subnet mask of a LAN to ping all devices belonging to that LAN, or by using a syntax to declare ranges of IP as explained in the headerof the function (example 192.161.0-1.*), but if you want pass a list of "random" IP addresses then you have to load "manually" the addresses into a file and then pass the ready made file to the function that will be happy to ping all those addresses for you

So I wonder does thing have any data you can save out to; does it create date that could be saved to an outside file? If not that is okay.I'm simply trying to make it more functional. (I just don't understand how the gui understand ListView.)

so, when you call the nPing function, it takes a certain amount of time to terminate, depending on the number of elements in the array and the roundtrip of each single device, and at the end of all the pings, it returns to you an array loaded with all the results.

Furthermore, there is a bonus extra, that is, during the time used by the function to complete the job, instead of just waiting the result, you can use in the meanwhile, the "CallBack" function so to be notified each time a single ping terminate it's job

In the above demo,

1) I don't make use of the returned array, since, as you can see in the listing, I just call the nPing function without a variable to get the returned array.

2) I use only the callBack function "_refresh" just to update the ListView.

3) I repeat points 1 and 2 in an endless loop just to continuously show, using the colored squares in the ListView, the status of the pinged devices.

Now, if you want instead for example make just one scan and then save all the results to a file on the disk, you can simply call the nPing function just one time, and then write the data you need from the returned array to the disk file.

(To semplify further, you could also remove all the ListView stuff from the gui and also remove the "_refresh" call back function from the nPing. In this way, when no call back function is specified, by default is shown a progress bar. Anyway I leave also the listview just to show how to make use of both functionalities)

If instead you want to get the device names from your original file then what you need is the value in the fourth column of the returned array. This number tells you the line number of the original array that this ping result is referring to.

so, to get the device name from the original file just do like this: 152ee80cbc

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