Wi-MIr Dataset

testbed scenario

Setting Overview:

Furniture and Equipment:

Wi-Fi Network Configuration:

Positioning for Uniformity:

Study Area:

Data Format

The raw data is organized into a central folder encompassing seventeen subfolders, with each subfolder containing recorded data files corresponding to specific MPIs. This dataset consists of 20 trials for each interaction, where each trial is stored as a distinct MATLAB data file (.mat). The nomenclature for each data file comprises four components, structured as "first_second_third_fourth.mat." The first and second segment denotes the pair of human IDs involved in the recorded interaction. The third part signifies one of the seventeen MPIs represented by an integer from 1 to 17 as follows:   

The remaining part indicates the trial number, ranging from 1 to 20. For instance, the data file "S1_S2_L10_T1.mat" corresponds to data recorded for human IDs S1 and S2 during the first trial of the Kicking with the left leg interaction.  

Data Collection Workflow

Timing Diagram

MPI Characteristics

Timing Diagrams Design

Data Collection Signals

Mesh Plots

2. Temporal Dynamics Visualization

3. Axis Representation

4. Insights into Interaction Patterns