At the Global Refugee Forum 2023, 47 multistakeholder pledges were announced. All of these pledges are working towards securing one or more of the eight key outcomes for the GRF, which will guide future engagement in comprehensive responses.

An age, gender, disability, and diversity approach, called for by the Global Compact on Refugees, is essential to ensure protection and non-discrimination in all refugee responses. All stakeholders are encouraged to ensure they are considering AGD when making pledges, and can consult the guidance on making age, gender, and diversity inclusive pledges.

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Multistakeholder pledges are joint pledges with a large-scale reach, working towards an ambitious common goal. They aim to be transformational, putting in place long-term arrangements that advance burden and responsibility sharing, drawing from a clearly defined resource base, donorship, or financial instrument linked to implementation.

To advance these outcomes, multi-stakeholder pledges are being developed whereby the international community, including governments and other stakeholders, including refugees, comes together in a spirit of shared responsibility for refugees and host communities to advance a common policy approach and high-level goal.

These pledges build on the political commitments made in the New York Declaration in 2016 and the Global Compact on Refugees in 2018, pledges and initiatives announced since the GRF 2019, recommendations from the stocktaking conducted through the High-Level Officials Meeting 2021 and GCR indicator report, and innovation labs from the High Commissioners Dialogue in 2022.

These pledges aim to articulate vision, policy objective, and target; make transformative and substantial improvements in the lives of refugees and host communities; demonstrate government leadership and a multi-stakeholder and partnership approach; and ensure sustainability through dedicated follow-up arrangements and a resource base.

All leaders of the multi-stakeholder pledges may wish to come together in support of a common overarching political commitment, for example to champion displacement considerations in relevant multilateral fora and financing mechanisms and bilateral humanitarian, development, and peace cooperation in support of countries affected by fragility, conflict, and violence.

In complex real-time systems, unexpected time spent on hunting for sporadic and deeply buried bugs or finding performance bottlenecks can take weeks or even months, potentially risking an on-time product launch.

History viewer displays the last few seconds, minutes or days of program execution across complex heterogenous multicore systems with a natural and intuitive GUI. For the first time you now have a clear, complete view into a murky hardware and software system. You can zoom deeply into processor behavior at the micro-second level or zoom out to see system behavior spanning minutes and days. This new kind of visibility empowers you to find difficult bugs in seconds, see hidden bottlenecks and dependencies, and analyze execution times.

By automatically capturing actual program execution data TimeMachine enables the Debugger to run, step and debug code backward to any problem area shown in History. It also powers other tools such as the Profiler.

Clean code is less likely to contain errors and is easier to test, understand, and modify. All of these factors contribute to fewer bugs and greater reliability. Green Hills optimizing compilers enable enforcement of clean coding conventions defined by industry standards such as the MISRA 2012 and 2004 coding standards, which include more than one hundred rules for safe programming. You can also elect to enforce a customized subset of these rules to meet specific requirements.

The MULTI Debugger is a powerful tool for examining, monitoring, and changing source code running on complex heterogenous multicore target processors and simulators. When TimeMachine is used, it can even run backward in time. The Debugger is seamlessly integrated with other tools within MULTI and can be invoked by clicking inside various MULTI tools such as the History viewer.

When you debug a multitasking application on an OS like INTEGRITY or Linux, MULTI can interact with the multiple tasks in run-mode, freeze-mode, or both modes simultaneously. In run-mode, the operating system kernel continues to run as you halt and examine individual tasks. In freeze-mode, the entire target system stops when you examine tasks.

Key among multicore debugging features is synchronous run control, which halts all cores as a unit when any core encounters a debugging condition. For instance, when a core hits a breakpoint the target list clearly shows:

MULTI for Linux brings advanced debugging to engineers developing embedded Linux software. It dramatically improves their productivity and helps them bring a more reliable, higher-performing product to market faster.

Along with the Builder, the seamlessly-integrated Project Manager, Editor, Flash Programmer, and Instruction Set Simulator that in their own ways help you spend less time on build management and more on your code.

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The program works with qualified private-sector lenders to provide financing to qualified borrowers to increase the supply of affordable rental housing for low- and moderate-income individuals and families in eligible rural areas and towns.

This program restructures loans for existing Rural Rental Housing and Off-Farm Labor Housing projects to help improve and preserve the availability of safe affordable rental housing for low income residents.

USDA Rural Development awards grants to eligible nonprofit organizations and public housing authorities (PHAs) to provide technical assistance (TA) and other services to enable affordable housing preservation through the transfer of Multifamily Housing Direct Loan properties from current owners to nonprofits or PHAs.

Multifamily Housing has produced a series of resources for our stakeholders, owners, managers, and tenants. These resource links include MFH tools, announcements, and stakeholder training opportunities. We encourage you to contact us if you have any questions or if you desire further information or assistance.

Our Field Operations Division maintains local relationships through regionally organized servicing teams and handles all day-today servicing of Multifamily housing properties to ensure that tenants have safe and affordable housing. The four regions and the contact information for each Regional Director follows:

If you need information on a loan transaction currently in process, or have questions on a new transaction, our Production & Preservation Division (PPD) processes, underwrites, and closes all multifamily direct, preservation, and guaranteed loan transactions. PPD will support all the Multifamily Housing Programs, including 515, 538, Multifamily Preservation and Revitalization (MPR), prepayments, and preservation efforts. This division will also oversee Notice of Solicitation of Applications (NOSA) drafting and administration efforts for Farm Labor Housing, Housing Preservation Grants, MPR, technical assistance, and 515. The email contact information for the Production & Preservation Division follows:

The Multi-Resolution Land Characteristics (MRLC) consortium is a group of federal agencies who coordinate and generate consistent and relevant land cover information at the national scale for a wide variety of environmental, land management, and modeling applications. The creation of this consortium has resulted in the mapping of the lower 48 United States, Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico into a comprehensive land cover product termed, the National Land Cover Database (NLCD), from decadal Landsat satellite imagery and other supplementary datasets.

MRLC hosts land cover and land condition data from various sources, including NLCD and Rangeland Condition Monitoring Assessment and Projection (RCMAP) time-series, Ecological Potential, and projections of future fractional rangeland components. Data are offered for download, as WMS services, and in applications.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in collaboration with the MRLC consortium and Bureau of Land Management (BLM), is pleased to announce the availability of a new generation of Rangeland, Condition, Monitoring, Assessment, and Projection (RCMAP) fractional component data spanning a 1985-2023 time-series. The RCMAP product suite consists of ten components: annual herbaceous, bare ground, herbaceous, litter, non-sagebrush shrub, perennial herbaceous, sagebrush, shrub, tree, and shrub height (new to this generation). Several enhancements were made to the RCMAP process relative to prior generations. First, we revised the high-resolution training using an improved neural-net classifier and modelling approach. These data serve as foundation to the RCMAP approach. We further improved our training database by incorporating additional datasets. Next, we improved our Landsat compositing approach to better capture the range of conditions from across each year and through time. These composites are based on Collection 2 Landsat data with improved geolocation accuracy and dynamic range. 152ee80cbc

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