Call for papers

The MultEx@ZAS workshop seeks papers on Multiple Exponence (henceforth ME) from any perspective, including morphological theory, typology, or language description. As a baseline, we adopt Caballero and Harris’ (2012:165) definition of ME as “the occurrence of multiple realizations of a single feature, bundle of features, or derivational category in more than one position in a domain.” In this workshop, we encourage the discussion of this phenomenon from both empirical and theoretical perspectives and seek to have constructive debate across frameworks and schools of morphology and syntax.

The phenomenon of ME has been a recurring topic in the field over the past decades and different schools of thought have tackled it from various perspectives: Word-in-paradigm (Matthews 1974), Split Morphology (Anderson 1982, Perlmutter 1988), Distributed Morphology (e.g. Halle and Marantz 1993), Nanosyntax (Caha 2018), Minimalist Morphology (Wunderlich 1996, Wunderlich and Fabri 1996, Stiebels 2015), Paradigm Function Morphology (Stump 2001), Optimality Theory (Grimshaw 2001, Trommer 2001; 2003a,b; 2006, Müller 2020) and Lexical Functional Grammar (Nordlinger & Sadler 2019). It also features prominently in the debate on the morphome (Luís & Bermúdez-Otero 2016 and Herce 2020). The phenomenon of ME continues to inform and refine morphological theory building as well as linguistic typology. We would like to provide a platform for the discussion of ME with the MultEx@ZAS workshop.

We welcome contributions whose focus is:

  • empirical: new contributions, in-depth case studies, especially from understudied languages and/or fieldwork;

  • typological: demarcating the various types of ME and its axes of variation cross-linguistically;

  • theoretical: comparing models in terms of how they capture ME;

  • experimental: new methodologies which may help shine light on ME.

Due to the travel restrictions imposed by COVID-19, the workshop will be held fully online.

Invited speakers:

  • Gabriela Caballero (University of California, San Diego)

  • Pavel Caha (Masaryk University)

  • Borja Herce (Universität Zürich)

  • Ana Luís (Universidade de Coimbra)

  • Gereon Müller (Universität Leipzig)

  • Rachel Nordlinger (University of Melbourne)

Important information:

  • Abstract submission deadline: 15 September, 2021

  • Notification of acceptance: 15 October, 2021

  • Workshop date: 1-3 December, 2021

  • Workshop website:

Abstract submission guidelines:

  • .pdf format

  • 2 pages + additional pages for the bibliography

  • A4 format, 1-inch/2.45-cm margins

  • Times, 12pt

  • Examples interspersed throughout the text

We invite abstracts for 20-minute talks and poster presentations. Abstracts should be submitted via email at “”. Please write “abstract submission” in the subject line and your name and affiliation in the body of the email and please specify whether your abstract should be considered for a talk, a poster presentation, or both.


  • Anderson, S.R. 1982. Where's Morphology?, Linguistic Inquiry 13, pp. 571-612, MIT Press, Cambridge, Mass.

  • Caballero, Gabriela and Alice C. Harris (2012): A working typology of multiple exponence. In: F. Kiefer, M. Ladányi and P. Siptár, eds, Current issues in morphological theory: (Ir)regularity, analogy, and frequency. Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 322, Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 163–188.

  • Caha, Pavel. 2018. Phrasal spellout, multiple exponence and bracketing paradoxes. In MIT Linguistics Colloquium, September 28, 2018.

  • Grimshaw, Jane. 2001: Optimal clitic positions and the lexicon in Romance llitic lystems. In: G. Legendre, J. Grimshaw and S. Vikner, eds, Optimality-Theoretic Syntax. MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, pp. 205–240.

  • Halle, Morris and Alec Marantz: Distributed Morphology and the Pieces of Inflection. In: Hale, Kenneth and S. J. Keyser, eds, The View from Building 20. Cambridge , Mass. 1993, pp. 111–176.

  • Herce, Borja. 2020. A typological approach to the morphome. PhD dissertation, University of Surrey and University of the Basque Country.

  • Luís, Ana R and Bermúdez-Otero, Ricardo. 2016. The morphome debate. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

  • Matthews, Peter H.. 1974. Morphology: An introduction to the theory of word-structure. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • Müller, Gereon. 2020. Inflectional Morphology in Harmonic Serialism. Sheffield: Equinox (Advances in Optimality Theory, vol. 13.)

  • Nordlinger, Rachel and Louisa Sadler. 2019. Morphology in Lexical-functional Grammar and Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar. In: Audring, Jenny and Francesca Masini, eds, The Oxford handbook of morphological theory, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 212-243.

  • Perlmutter, David. 1988: The Split-morphology Hypothesis: evidence from Yiddish, in: Hammond, M. and M. Noonan, eds, Theoretical Morphology: Approaches in Modern Linguistics, Orlando, Academic Press.

  • Stiebels, Barbara. 2015. Multiple exponence: Typology, triggering factors, and theoretical modelling. Ms., Universität Leipzig.

  • Stump, Gregory. 2001. Inflectional Morphology. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

  • Trommer, Jochen. 2001. Distributed Optimality. PhD thesis, Universität Potsdam.

  • Trommer, Jochen. 2003a. Hungarian has no portmanteau agreement. In: C. Piñón and P. Siptár, eds, Approaches to Hungarian 9. Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest.

  • Trommer, Jochen. 2003b. Participant reduction and two-level markedness. In: J. Spenader, A. Eriksson and Östen Dahl, eds, Variation within Optimality Theory. Proceedings of the Stockholm Workshop. Stockholm University, Department of Linguistics, pp. 102–108.

  • Trommer, Jochen. 2006. Person and Number Agreement in Dumi, Linguistics 44, pp. 1011–1057.

  • Wunderlich, Dieter. 1996. Minimalist Morphology: The Role of Paradigms. In: G. Booij & J. van Marle, eds., Yearbook of Morphology 1995. Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp. 93–114.