
Call for Papers

The 1st Workshop on Multimodal Understanding and Learning for Embodied Applications, in conjunction with the ACM Multimedia 2019 Conference, seeks submissions on embodied, task-oriented learning in multimodal environments. The topics of interest for this workshop include, but are not limited to:

  • Multimodal Context Recognition and Understanding
  • Activity Analysis
  • 3D environment modeling and understanding
  • Contextual Knowledge Representation
  • Knowledge Graph
  • Scene Graph Generation and Inference
  • Grounded Knowledge Representations
  • Deep Learning Models for Knowledge Representation
  • Knowledge Acquisition by Exploration of Environment
  • Goal-Driven Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
  • Multimodal knowledge representation, fusion, and embedding
  • Grounded Reinforcement Learning
  • Embodied Question Answering
  • Tasked-Oriented Policy Learning
  • Navigation Planning
  • Combined Long- and Short-term Plan Optimization
  • Grounded Question Answering
  • Aligning Language to Situated Actions
  • Language Generation for Embodied Tasks
  • Grounded Interactive Dialogue
  • Simulated and Real-World Situations
  • Robotics Applications
  • Multimodal Chatbots and Personal Assistants
  • Games and Simulated Environment
  • New Datasets for Embodied Learning
  • Better Evaluation Metrics for Goal-Driven Embodied Learning
  • Brave new ideas / extraordinary multimodal solutions


All papers should be submitted via the EasyChair system at :

We solicit two types of submissions: regular workshop papers and extended abstracts, or cross-submissions.

Regular Workshop Papers: We invite submissions of 4 to 8 pages (with unlimited pages for references). These regular submissions should report substantially original research. They will be reviewed in a double-blind manner (so should be anonymized appropriately) and the accepted papers will be presented in oral and as posters. All accepted regular workshop papers will appear in the workshop proceedings .

Extended Abstracts/Demos: We invite submissions of 2 pages (with unlimited pages for references) Extended Abstracts or Demonstrations. These submissions should report late breaking research results. They will be reviewed in a double-blind manner (so should be anonymized appropriately) and the accepted abstracts/demos will be presented as posters. All accepted Extended Abstracts/Demos will appear in the workshop proceedings.

Cross-Submission Papers: To expand the breadth and diversity of this inter-disciplinary workshop, we also encourage papers that have already been published elsewhere (e.g., at robotics conferences or workshops). These papers will be presented as posters, but will not be included in the proceedings. Please indicate the original venue of the paper when submitting to the submission website. Please add "Cross-Submission" in front of paper Title or Abstract.

Please refer to the submission site for submission policies.


The accepted regular workshop papers and extended abstracts will be published in the ACM Digital Library. The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to the published work.