
Selected Peer Reviewed Publications

[J09] Life and Death of a Thin Liquid Film, M R Rahman, L Shen, J P Ewen, D M Heyes, D Dini and E R Smith, Communications Physics, Nature, (2024), read here [Selected as featured article].

[J08] On the Hydrostatic Limit for Thin Film Flow with Applications to Thermosyphons, V Kumar, M R Rahman and M R Flynn, Applied Thermal Engineering, (2024), read PDF.

[J07] Non-equilibrium Molecular Simulations of Thin Film Rupture, M R Rahman, L Shen, J P Ewen, B Collard, D M Heyes, D Dini and E R Smith, The Journal of Chemical Physics (2023), read PDF.

[J06] The Intrinsic Fragility of the Liquid–Vapor Interface: A Stress Network Perspective, M R Rahman, L Shen, J P Ewen, D Dini and E R Smith, Langmuir (2022), read PDF.

[J05] On The Deflection of the Liquid–Vapor Interface in a Wicked Heat pipe, M R Rahman, P R Waghmare and M. R Flynn, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (2021), read PDF.

[J04] On the Effect of Relaxation Time in Interfacial Tension Measurement, M R Rahman, A Deng, S A Hussak, A Ahmed, T Willers and P R Waghmare, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (2019), read PDF.

[J03] Double-Emulsion Drop Evaporation and Formation of a Daughter Droplet, M R Rahman and P R Waghmare, Langmuir (2019), read PDF.

[J02] Droplet Spreading on Liquid–Fluid Interface, M R Rahman, H N Mullagura, B Kattemalalawadi and P R Waghmare, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects (2018), read PDF.

[J01] Influence of Outer Medium Viscosity on the Motion of Rolling Droplets down an Incline, M R Rahman and P R Waghmare, Physical Review Fluids (2018), read PDF.

Lifetime of thin films

Thin film rupture

Heterogeneous chemical treatment on Heat pipe

Droplet spreading on liquid interface