The Program has defined various curricular strategies so that the UPB Architect's training contributes to the development of the skills, for contemporary professional practice. The project workshop as an axis in which the competencies associated with the professional profile are integrated and evidenced, with an increasing level of complexity in Part 1 and Part 2. Starting from real problems in the context and under the idea of comprehensiveness, the Program is structured by professional competences and human capacities. It organizes knowledge by areas of disciplinary knowledge, to guarantee complete professional training, and orienting academic evaluation towards the verification of performance associated with professional practice. The above seeks the formation of a comprehensive professional, with a critical posture, and awareness of their role in the development and growth of the city.
The validation of the competence levels for the basic cycle (Part 1) and the professional cycle (Part 2) are verified in the Project Workshops as integrators of the disciplinary areas. The increasing complexity level of the training scope - up to the Degree Project- is verified in these workshops, where the educational scope of the Program - in the work of the students- is evidenced comprehensively. The analysis carried out in the Criteria Mapping allows us to conclude the achievement within the courses of each area - with a good level- of the RIBA Criteria. Strategies, methodologies, and activities are defined to optimize these achievements, by integrating them into the project exercises of the Project Workshop.
The basic disciplinary cycle includes the study of themes associated with the theoretical and epistemological foundation of architecture. The human capacities to be developed in this Cycle are related to training for knowledge and understanding, and for critical and reflective thinking, which is understood as solid reasoning and precision of judgment for the actions of architects in training.
RIBA PART 1 Criteria associated with the basic disciplinary cycle: Generate design proposals.Apply a variety of communication methods. Understand the materials and construction processes. Evaluate arguments and present structured judgments. Know the professional context and the industry. Personal responsibility with the training as an architect.
Professional cycle: training in aspects of the architecture profession, recognition of the architecture context, and possible fields of performance. Human capacities in this Cycle are related to training for finding effective solutions to human problems (habitat); to act intelligently as a professional (ethical), and to build different ways of doing things (project method).
RIBA PART 2 Criteria associated with the professional cycle: Generate current and complex design proposals. Evaluate and apply visual means in the explanation and critical evaluation of design proposals. Evaluate materials and construction processes in complex architectural designs. Critical understanding of how the knowledge associated with projects is advanced through research. Skills to solve problems with professional judgment. Personal responsibility in professional training as an architect.