Teaching Music With Technology

A Portfolio By Tyler Hartline

About the Class

Teaching Music with Technology, taught by Mr. Christopher Schletter of Marietta College, is a class for music education students to help prepare them to use technology in the music classroom. The class is based on the information in Music Learning Today, a textbook written by Dr. William Bauer. The book focuses on how technology can be used to create, respond to, and perform music. Various technologies are discussed in this portfolio with examples of products of my own work from these different technologies. Technology is an important part of teaching and learning music and it is imperative that we as educators continue to keep up with advancing technologies to bring our students the best education possible.

My name is Tyler Hartline and I am a Music Education and Vocal Performance Major at Marietta College.

I am a freshmen studying to be a high school choral director after graduation. Although I am young, I have gained many valuable experiences that are helping me to become the best educator possible. In high school, I sang with the All-National NAfME Honor Mixed Chorus and was honored with the National School Choral Award twice. In high school, I student taught for the Marietta High School Treble Chorus and the Marietta Middle School 6th Grade Chorus. In my first semester of college, I studied at Bowling Green State University and was able to perform and travel with the BGSU Men's Glee Club. In my second semester, I studied at Marietta College where I will now complete my degree and took the valuable class that this portfolio was created to represent. I am excited to share this information with you and to one day implement it in my own classroom!