Mu Cai   

PhD student, Computer Sciences

University of Wisconsin- Madison 

GPA: 4.0/4.0

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Currently, I am a third-year Ph.D. student in the Computer Sciences Department at the University of Wisconsin- Madison, supervised by Prof. Yong Jae Lee. I got my bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and Automation at Xi'an Jiaotong University in 2020. My research interest lies in the intersection of deep learning and computer vision. I am especially interested in 3D scene understanding (point cloud detection) and self-supervised learning.


[08/16/2022] Paper "Out-of-distribution Detection via Frequency-regularized Generative Models" is accepted to WACV 2023 (Spotlight).

[07/06/2022] Paper "Masked Discrimination for Self-Supervised Learning on Point Clouds" is accepted to ECCV 2022.

[05/10/2022] Start summer research internship on 3D scene understanding at QCraft .

[01/21/2022] Paper "VOS: Learning What You Don’t Know by Virtual Outlier Synthesis" is accepted to ICLR 2022.

[07/30/2021] Paper "Frequency Domain Image Translation: More Photo-realistic, Better Identity-preserving" is accepted to ICCV 2021.

[07/01/2020] Paper "A Game-Theoretic Policy-Aware Interaction Strategy with Validation on Real Traffic Data" is accepted to  IROS2020


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