Past Events
Lectures on Newton Cartan Geometry:
Introduction to type I and type II Newton-Cartan geometry
by Jelle Hartong from University of Edingburgh, UK
Abstract: Newton-Cartan geometry is traditionally obtained via null reduction or via a large speed of light limit. This has proven very successful for nonrelativistic matter descriptions on fixed backgrounds and for on shell Newtonian gravity. It however fails to account for the latter via Bianchi identities and an off shell formulation. Type II Newton-Cartan geometry is introduced to remedy this problem. We will study its geometrical properties and coupling to matter.
Date: 11 February 2019, Monday, 13.30-14.30 and 15.00-16.00:
Place: IMBM, Bogazici University
Crash Courses on Theoretical Physics:
AdS/QCD and the Quark Gluon Plasma
by Umut Gürsoy from Institute for Theoretical Physics, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands
Dates: 17 - 19 July 2018, 14:00 – 16:00
Place: Feza Gursey Seminar Room, Physics department, Boğaziçi University
Lecture I:
• Heavy ion collisions, observables
• Relation to QFT correlators
• Thermalization, hydrodynamicsAdS/QCD and the Quark Gluon Plasma
• Magnetically induced phenomena
• Lecture II:
• AdS/CFT basics
• Top-down and bottom-up models
• The bulk model: vacuum state, particle spectra
• The bulk model: finite T, thermodynamics
• Lecture III:
• The bulk model: flavor sector
• QGP observables
• Conclusion and Outlook
16th Workshop on Quantization, Dualities and Integrable Systems:
The purpose of this annual meeting is to bring together the researchers and the graduate students in mathematical physics and related fields to discuss recent developments, and to stimulate research in topics of general methods of quantization, general relativity, supersymmetry, topological methods, dualities, supergravity, strings, conformal field theories and integrable systems.
Dates: 21-23 April 2018
Place: Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University Istanbul, Turkey