Welcome to my page!

Hi! I am Moe Kyaw Thu (or people like to call me Moe since the last two words are difficult to pronounce). I was born in Myanmar (also known as Burma), but since 2014, I have lived abroad in various countries including the USA, Denmark, Germany, Japan.......and eventually returned to the USA.

I am a Ph.D. student at the School of Public Policy, with a minor in Urban Planning and Analytics. I am also pursuing a Master of Science (Residential On-Campus Program) in Computer Science, with a specialization in machine learning, and a Master of Science in Statistics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. 

In general, I am interested in the intersection between emerging technologies and public policymaking. In particular, my research involves analyzing risk and governance strategies in the context of rapidly emerging technological landscapes.

From the Spring of 2023 to the Summer of 2023, I worked as a Graduate Research Assistant under the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Georgia Tech, supported and funded by the Georgia Department of Transport. My project mainly involved identifying appropriate strategies to rebalance contractual terms and conditions for major design-build (DB) and Public-Private Partnership (P3) projects to enhance the competition in the transportation infrastructure market. 
