Frequently Asked Questions

Is class and SPT attendance mandatory?

Yes, both class and SPT session attendance (if you are enrolled in an SPT-supported section) are absolutely mandatory. It is extremely rare for a student who is frequently absent to do well in their calculus class.

How do I access the online homework system, MyOpenMath?

MyOpenMath is a FREE online homework platform. If this is your first time using MyOpenMath, click on this LINK to register as a new student. Follow the directions shown HERE to set up your account.

If you already have a MyOpenMath account, log in as usual. Under the heading "Courses you're taking" click the button that says "Enroll in a New Class". You can then enter the Course ID and Enrollment Key that your instructor has given you.

How do LatePasses work? Can I get an extension on the homework? 

You will be given a number of LatePasses automatically at the beginning of the semester. Each of these will extend a particular homework assignment by 24 hours, at most. This means that if a homework assignment is due Monday night, it can only be extended until Tuesday night. It is your responsibility to manage the use of your LatePasses.

Additional extensions will only be considered under special circumstances (for example, in the case of a serious, extended illness). Please communicate with your instructor as soon as possible if you will be absent from class and/or unable to complete your coursework.

Where can I find my instructor's office hours, the course syllabus and schedule?

All the calculus instructors' names, office numbers and office hours are listed in the course syllabus. The syllabus is posted on your course section's Blackboard Learn page, as well as on the MyOpenMath homework site. Note that you are welcome to attend the office hours of any instructor teaching calculus this semester.

I'm struggling in my calculus class, what should I do?

Reflect on the following questions:

For advice that is specific to you and your situation, please speak with your instructor as soon as possible if you are struggling. We want you to be successful and can help you make a plan and/or direct you to appropriate resources.

I want to visit my instructor during office hours for help, but I'm not sure what to ask. Any suggestions?

First, thank you for attending office hours! Any calculus instructor will be very happy to help you. Here are some suggestions to get the conversation started:

Do I need an appointment to attend office hours?

Office hours are times when an instructor will be in their office and able to answer your questions about the course material. No appointment is needed to attend an instructor's office hours.

If your instructor's office hours don't work with your schedule, feel free to email your instructor and ask if you can schedule a different time to meet. Alternatively, you can look on the course syllabus to see the names, office locations and office hours of all the instructors teaching calculus this semester. Feel free to drop by any calculus instructor's office hours to ask your questions. We are all very happy to help!