Accepted abstracts

  • Shaukat Ali and Tao Yue. Handling Uncertainties in Cyber-Physical Systems during Their Operations with Digital Twins [pdf]
  • Johan Lidén Eddeland, Knut Åkesson, and Sajed Miremadi. Specification Transformation for Applying Temporal Logic-Based Falsification to Industrial Models [pdf]
  • Bernd Finkbeiner, Jessica Schmidt, and Maximilian Schwenger. Simplex Architecture Meets RTLola [pdf]
  • Colin Shea-Blymyer and Houssam Abbas. A Deontic Logic Analysis of Autonomous Systems’ Safety [pdf]
  • Kotaro Tanabe, Yoshinori Tanabe, and Masami Hagiya. Speedup of Model-Based Testing for IoT Software Using Virtual Time and State Distribution of Devices [pdf]
  • Masaki Waga, Étienne André, and Ichiro Hasuo. Symbolic Monitoring Against Specifications Parametric in Time and Data [pdf]
  • Xiao-Yi Zhang and Fuyuki Ishikawa. Identifying Hazard-causing Components for Automotive Driving Systems [pdf]