Welcome to our online classroom hub!


Head over to the "Contact/Contacto" page to get the updated ways to stay connected: Remind, Google Classroom and Instagram. Here's the highlights:

Instagram: @mstuscani -- going live on "Ms. T's Tuesdays/Thursdays at 12" to discuss our play

Remind: Text the following message to 810-10 depending on your affiliated group.

English 3: @mst-eng3

English 3H: @mst-eng3H

Google Classroom:

1. Log-in your DPS email and access invitation OR

2. Directly enter class code

English 3: ma7zz52

English 3H: 5iwmhiq

Remind Messages Stream:

On this site, you will find any current unit calendars, blog links, study tools and notes outlines. Feel free to reach out on the contact page with any questions you may have or contributions to how we can make our classroom learning community more healthy and whole!

En este sitio, encontrarás calendarios de módulos recientes, enlaces del blog, herramientas de estudiar, y resúmenes de notas de clase. Vas a la pagina de contacto si tienes preguntas o contribuciones para como podemos mejorar nuestro clase y comunidad a ser mas inclusivas.