My Shared Reading

Below are questions or instructions for the writing activity after reading the My Shared Readings. Write the answer in one or two sentences on the two lines provided at the end of the reading. Draw a picture that matches what you have written down. I will add more questions every week.

My Shares Readings 1, 2

  1. Follow the Rules to Play Soccer (pg 2-3)

Write down another rule for soccer that wasn't mentioned in the reading.

  1. Making Bridges (pg 4-5)

What game would you like to teach to a friend? Example: I will teach my friend how to play hide and go seek.

  1. School Rules (pg 6-7)

Why do we have rules at school? Example: We have rules at school because it keeps us safe.

  1. Rules for Talking and Listening (pg 8-7)

Why do we have rules for talking and listening?

  1. No Dog Allowed in School? (pg 10-11)

Why was Max not allowed in school?

  1. Five Little Monkeys (pg 12-13)

Write down a rule you have in your home?

  1. Sad Ladybug, Glad Ladybug (pg 14-15)

Why should you not bring any animal or bugs that lives outside inside your home?

  1. New Friends (pg 22-23)

How would you make a new student feel welcomed in your class or school? Ex: I would ask him to play

with me.