English 7

Research Project Slides (example)

April 2018: Gold Rush Research

Find your assigned group to research, and explore some of the links below to find out what life was like for some members of your group:

1) Native Americans:

2) Latinos/Californios

3) Chinese immigrants

4) African-Americans (citizens or enslaved)

5) European-Americans

  • Traveling across the U.S.
  • Check out "The Shirley Letters from California Mines in 1851–1852" in Amplify for a woman's perspective on mining.

January 2018: Survival!

Group Survival Plans

1) Do research on how you will survive a disaster using the directions at Jessica Stinson's Survival WebQuest page.

2) Create a group Padlet to present your research:

You can use my template here


Create your own at Padlet

+Use your school email address to log in to Padlet

Post a link to your padlet here:

Book Circles: Audiobooks