Workshop Program

The 12th International Workshop on Mining and Analyzing Social Networks for Decision Support
(MSNDS 2021)

In conjunction with IEEE/ACM ASONAM 2021
The Hague, Netherlands (Virtual)
08-11 November, 2021

MSNDS 2021:

MSNDS 2021 Workshop Program

Place: Virtual (ZOOM ID/Passcode)

Time: 14:00-15:40 [Amsterdam Time GMT+1], Monday, November 8, 2021

Session Chair: I-Hsien Ting

  • The Stock Exchange of Influencers: A Financial Approach for Studying Fanbase Variation Trends
    Fabio Bertone, Luca Vassio and Martino Trevisan

  • Towards Automatic Generated Content Website Based on Content Classification and Auto-article Generation
    I-Hsien Ting and Chia Sung Yen

  • Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Graphs of Cryptocurrency Anti-money Laundering in Fintech
    Min-Yuh Day

  • My friends also prefer diverse music: homophily and link prediction with user preferences for mainstream, novelty, and diversity in music
    Tomislav Duricic, Dominik Kowald, Markus Schedl and Elisabeth Lex