Workshop Program

The 10th International Workshop on Mining and Analyzing Social Networks for Decision Support

(MSNDS 2019)

In conjunction with IEEE/ACM ASONAM 2019

Marriott Downtown, Vancouver, Canada

27-30 August, 2019

Location: Marriott Downtown, Vancouver, Canada

Time: Tuesday 27 August 2019

MSNDS 2019 Workshop Session I (14:00-16:00) (Shaughnessy I)

Session Chair: Min-Yuh Day

  • Increasing the Diffusional Characteristics of Networks Through Optimal Topology Changes within Sub-graphs

Patryk Pazura : West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin; Jaroslaw Jankowski : West Pomeranian University of Technology

  • Deep Learning for Automated Sentiment Analysis of Social Media

Li Chen Cheng : National Taipei University of Technology; Song-Lin Tsai : Soochow University

  • Extraction of User Demands Based on Similar Tweets Graph

Takayasu Fushimi : Tokyo University of Technology; Kenichi Kanno : Tokyo University of Technology

  • Integrating Neural and Syntactic Features on the Helpfulness Analysis of the Online Customer Reviews

Shih-Hung Wu : Chaoyang University of Technology; Jun-Wei Wang : Chaoyang University of Technology

Coffee Break (16:00-16:30) (Pinnacle Ballroom)

MSNDS 2019 Workshop Session II (16:30-18:30) (Shaughnessy I)

Session Chair: Shih-Hung Wu

  • Fast Incremental Computation of Harmonic Closeness Centrality in Directed Weighted Networks

K. (Lynn) Putman: LIACS, Leiden University; Hanjo D. Boekhout : LIACS, Leiden University; Frank W. Takes : LIACS, Leiden University

  • Artificial Intelligence for ETF Market Prediction and Portfolio Optimization

Min-Yuh Day : Tamkang University; Jian-Ting Lin : Tamkang University

  • Vertex-Weighted Measures for Link Prediction in Hashtag Graphs

Logan Praznik : Brandon University, Brandon, Canada ; Gautam Srivastava : Brandon University, Brandon, Canada; Chetan Mendhe : Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada ; Vijay Mago : Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada

  • Semantic Role Labeling for Opinion Target Extraction from Chinese Social Network

Gui-Ru Li : National Central University; Chia-Hui Chang : National Central University