Grading Policy

Grading Policy:

Google Classroom due dates:

Due dates are given to put assignments on the Google classroom calendar.  They show up on the calendar when they are DUE not the day they were assigned or for the whole time you have to work on them.

Due dates will be at 11:59 pm (the default time) on the next school day after you should have completed the assignment if you are working at the expected pace.  This builds in a "24-hour" grace period for those who need more time to finish things.

Ms. Naylor’s Grading Policy:

Assignments will be posted and graded in Google Classroom or links to assignments will be posted with the grading rubric attached.

Students earn their own grades!  None of the assignment grades are statistically curved, ranked or adjusted based on the performance of the entire class.  Each assignment is graded against based on a 5 point rubric. Rubrics are developed based on the content standards and are posted with each assignment. Group members can have different grades on groups projects depending on the quality of collaboration and contributions of each student.  Assessments are scored with a key instead of a rubric.  The percentage equivalents of points earned will be recorded in the gradebook so assignments have the correct impact on the grades - regardless of how many points are on the key.

Types of Assignments: Possible Examples:  

Class Participation Anything needing a parent/guardian signature, feedback surveys, 

and actively participating in class, notebook checks, review games

Independent Practice Work done by students on their own - such as readings in the

textbook, practice problems, vocabulary, study guides, review activities 


Notes Information/Concept presentation assignments based on lectures

or videos where students are expected to record, organize and 

review key concepts - handwritten notes should be kept in the

Notes notebook

Activities, Labs & Projects     Observations and investigations of phenomena  using simulations

or equipment, creating models to explain phenomena, writing 

QCER reports, engineering project pieces, etc. Many of these 

create pages in the EXPLORATION Notebook

EDPuzzles This is a video delivery platform - it can embed questions and

activities in videos as well as track student progress.  Each Topic will have a grade for watching/completing the videos posted/used that Topic.

Tests and Quizzes Exit tickets, quizzes, and topic tests and final project pieces                                       

Late Work Policy:

Assignments posted in Google Classroom have an “on-time” due date so the assignments show on the calendar for Google Classroom.  Due dates are assigned at 11:59 pm on the school day after which students should have completed the assignment if they are working at the expected pace - giving an automatic 24 hour grace period. All late assignments for each week will be accepted up to ONE WEEK later.  Quizzes and Tests can be made up until students begin working on the semester final project.  Tests and Quizzes can also be re-taken to improve scores. The semester final is a project which needs time to plan and complete without the stress of making up late work. There are no point penalties for turning in assignments after the “on-time” due date, but “missing” work will show as zero points until made up.  Zeros for missing work become permanent if not made up by the late work cut-off.  Students who regularly fall behind are expected to talk to the teacher about their individual situations for help catching up.

WARNING: Google Classroom has a grade feature, but is NOT the OFFICIAL grade.

****** The District is restricting High School grading scales to the Traditional Scale*****

The grading scale below will not be reflected in Synergy until the District allows me to use it. Letter grades will be manually changed for progress reports and semester report cards.

Preferred Grading Scale Cut-offs:  Lowest A – 85 %   Lowest B – 75%   Lowest C – 65%   Lowest D – 55%     F – below 55%

Overall grade:

The overall grade is based on the total points earned by the student at the end of the grading period.  Each type of assignment has a point value that reflects its importance to understanding the content and mastering the standards.  Assignments that all students are expected to complete are considered “required” assignments.  For some content, students will be allowed to choose from a variety of learning formats to earn points, so not all students will complete all posted assignments.  

GRADE WARNING:  Grades may appear to drop at the start of a new week or Topic.  Assignments for each Topic are created and posted in Google Classroom AND then transfer to the digital grade-book when they are created, not when they are due or graded. This means that students start with zero points out of a total for the week or Topic and are working toward a letter grade for the END of the week or Topic.  It will look like everyone is failing the first few days/weeks of each week/Topic  Grades should improve as posted work is graded and the zeroes are replaced with points.

EXTRA CREDIT:  Students are expected to complete the posted assignments.  Posted assignments will not be replaced with “easier” extra credit.  Students who want/need additional points can earn “extra” points by completing more than one (up to all) of the options where students can choose assignment formats and/or by completing portions of assignments that are labeled as “challenges” or “going above and beyond”.  Rubrics and keys will reflect the “extra” points earned by completing the additional parts.