MSN Contact Number

How to Contact MSN by Phone | MSN Contact Number

If you have moved to a new place, you may want to find out the phone number of your old friends who live there. If this is the case, then you need to know their MSN contact number too. Here is how?

MSN Contact Number

How to find your MSN contact number?

To find your MSN contact number, you must first go to the MSN contact number website. On the homepage of this site, log in with your username and password (you can find these on your Microsoft account). Once logged into the website, click on "Find my number." Then select whether you want to see all of your contacts or just one specific person's info from there. You will then be able to scroll through each individual's information until you find yours!

In the window that appears, click on "edit". This will open a new window where you can add any additional information about yourself that you wish to share with other users who are using MSN Messenger (e.g., home phone number). You can also choose whether or not this information should be visible when others view it via their profile pages (this is recommended). If there are no entries already made for your contact details, simply click "add" at this point and fill out all fields necessary before saving changes; otherwise, skip step 5 by clicking back one page without making changes just yet!

How to find your MSN contact number on the phone app.

To get a call from someone on Windows Live Messenger, you need to know his/her username and password. The username is a unique name that identifies the user on the message board or chatroom. The password is used to give access to your account and allows other users to communicate with you through MSN. If you don't know how to find your own credentials for accessing MSN, don't worry: there are plenty of websites that offer this service for free!


To find your contact, navigate to the My Contacts section on your Windows Phone. Then browse through your contacts list until you find the one that has a name starting with "MSN".