Star Readers

How do you get to be a Star Reader you ask?????

Every week you are expected to read for 100 documented minutes. You may document your reading in various ways;

  • Use an online reading platform which tracks your reading

  • Complete a reading log and document at least 5 days of reading and responding to at least one short response prompt each day.

  • Use Flipgrid as a regular reading response.

You must use the same structure each week. Ex. if reading online you must read online for the week. If reading an independent reading book must complete the book log for the week. At the end of the week you may CHANGE for the next week but within the week you must be consistent in your responses to better track your reading.


  • One month of reading - Certificate of Star Student Status and a Star Student digital badge

  • Three consecutive months - In addition to the above, you may order one book less than $10 from scholastic book club

  • Six consecutive months - In addition to above, special class celebration with awards. Parents invited

  • 10 consecutive months - In addition to above you will be invited to a special celebration to be recognized. Parents invited.