Poster Session

Each presenter will be given a breakout room in Zoom for an hour for his/her presentation. We don’t specify methods or tools (e-whiteboard, slides, resume, poster for example); presenters can create their presentations freely. Applications from young researchers and PhD students are highly appreciated.

Click here to register for the poster session by October 21.

*1 Abstract should be less than half of one page.

2 Your presentation file (poster, slides, resume and so on) must be submitted by November 11. We will inform you of the link to submit your abstract later.


Le Hai Thuy Do, Newton polytope of good symmetric polynomials

Shuhei Honda, Singular viewpoint locus of a regular surface at a parabolic point

Yutaro Kabata, Several extensions of Koenderink's formula

Naoki Kitazawa, The cohomology rings of the manifolds admitting special generic maps

Hirofumi Kondo, A Nullstellensatz for ideals of C^\infty functions

Pengcheng Li, Evolutes and focal surfaces of spacelike framed curves in Minkowski 3-space

Naomichi Nakajima, Legendre singularities and Information Geometry

Thị Mai Vân Nguyễn, A characterization of the algebraic degree in semidefinite programming

Thu Thuy Pham, Euclidean distance degree of curves in C^3

Xue Song, Singularities of framed surfaces in null de Sitter 3-sphere

Masato Tanabe, Canonical stratification of definable Lie groupoids

Yongqiao Wang, On the envelope created by a circle family in the plane