
Hi families! Welcome to my website. 

This website is where you can find some extra resources as well as important links/information for your Beginners.

Let's have an awesome 2024-2025 school year! 

Contact Me: 

Email -  humphreyse@eastgreenwich.k12.nj.us 

Dojo Message

✽ Or send a note in with your student ✽

I can't wait to learn and grow with your students! 

Here are some words of wisdom from Kid President to motivate you: 

In this classroom, we follow the principles of compassionate ABA to teach functional communication skills, readiness skills, daily living skills, academics, appropriate and replacement behaviors, social and coping skills. 

We do a mixture of types of explicit instruction - 1:1, small group, and whole group. We focus on skill acquisition, reinforcement,  generalization and building independence. Each student has a learning experience that is tailored to their unique needs and goals. 

What is ABA?  <--- Click here to learn more about ABA (or click on the ABA 101 tab)