MSG The Warrior Lion Heart is a 2016 Indian science fantasy adventure film co-directed by criminal religious leader Gurmeet Ram Rahim Singh and his daughter Honeypreet Insan.[7] The film starring Singh, one of the directors himself, is a story of a medieval warrior fighting against aliens for the honour of his land.

The story is about a medieval warrior who fights for the honor of his land and the dignity of the womenfolk. The story travels centuries apart as he emerges in another role as a modern Indian equivalent of James Bond, a stylish top secret agent. The marauding aliens run amok, as they are hundreds of years ahead in technology. Lionheart is their only stumbling block in their march to overpower planet Earth.

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LionheartPixelOfficial artThe pixel artwork is fanart based on the canon description; undefined traits are left to the artist's interpretation.AffiliationsCurrent: StarClan[1]Past: ThunderClan[2]Biographical informationAge:Approx. 73 moons (6.08 year(s)) old[3] at death[4]Cause of death:Wounds[4]NamesKit:Lionkit[3]Apprentice:Lionpaw[5]Warrior:Lionheart[6]Senior warrior:Lionheart[7]Deputy:Lionheart[8]StarClan resident:Lionheart[1]KinMother:SpeckletailFather:SmallearSisters:Goldenflower, MistlekitBrother:SnowkitMate:FrostfurDaughters:Cinderpelt, BrightheartSons:Brackenfur, ThornclawEducationMentor:Swiftbreeze[9]Apprentice:Graystripe[2]Temporary apprentice:Firestar[10]Deputy positionPreceded by:Redtail[8]Succeeded by:Tigerclaw[11]Book appearances Living Pinestar's Choice, Crookedstar's Promise, Bluestar's Prophecy, Leopardstar's Honor, Spottedleaf's Heart, Redtail's Debt, Onestar's Confession, Into the Wild, Field Guides Dead The Darkest Hour, Sunset, Leafpool's Wish, The Sight, Eclipse, The Fourth Apprentice, Night Whispers, Sign of the Moon, The Last Hope, Ravenpaw's Farewell, The Ultimate Guide

Lionheart was a deputy of ThunderClan under Bluestar's leadership in the forest territories. He was born to Speckletail and Smallear as Lionkit along with his sister, Goldenkit. He became an apprentice as Lionpaw with Swiftbreeze as his mentor. During his apprenticeship, he witnessed Pinestar visiting the Twolegplace, and he later convinced Pinestar to tell the Clan the truth about him leaving to become a kittypet. Because of his courage and wisdom, Pinestar said that he would have named him Lionheart. Sunstar granted the former leader's quest and named him Lionheart when he became a warrior. Lionheart fathered Frostfur's kits: Brackenfur, Cinderpelt, Thornclaw and Brightheart. He also mentored Graypaw as his first apprentice, training him alongside Firepaw when the kittypet joined ThunderClan, and the senior warrior was known for his wisdom and nobility. After Redtail died, Bluestar made Lionheart deputy; however, he died due to his wounds after ShadowClan attacked ThunderClan's camp to steal his kits. He ascended to StarClan and granted Firestar and Bramblestar one of their nine lives. He also fought in the Great Battle alongside his former Clanmates.

With P3 around the corner and ony being pugged 2x a week in most cases; Im gonna say dont bother with your lionheart helm. Its 1 piece that costs upwards of 500+ gold depending on your server and its an optional BiS next to T2 which is currently available.

Yes DPS wise it is BiS; Tank wise, its nice but not required. Even a fury prot the Def and Stam on the T2 is more worth it; we can find hit and STR from other items if we pvp enough and at the rate most of us warriors make gold; we will probably achieve the honor/Rep required for those items before we get our mount+Gear lol

I bought Lionheart Helm for 1200g, and then my epic mount prior to honor, but I was loaned for the end of both and am paying back. (2100g, loaned 300g for helm and 350g for mount; owe 350g still, but have 150g on me.)

For Lionheart helmet I just teamed up with a healer, shaman works best and a DPS and we did three man jump runs. If we got lucky with a crystal i just paid them their share and i ended up getting a big discount on crystals. Win/win. I abused my guildies for free transmutes where i could and hit up the mining routes late late server time hoping to get lucky on a few nodes. When i had a little extra cash i just picked up a crystal or two off AH for a good price.

"With the heart of a lion, and soul of a warrior, young eljko Zidari stood resolute at the precipice of destiny. The winds howled across the rugged Croatian landscape, carrying with them the ominous echoes of war drums from the Ottoman horde. With the weight of centuries resting upon his shoulders, eljko, a scion of noble blood, knew that the fate of his homeland hung in the balance.

Born in a humble village nestled amidst rolling hills and dense forests, eljko's childhood was marked by tales of valor and sacrifice. The elders would gather the children under the ancient oak tree and recount the deeds of Croatia's legendary heroes who had faced the Ottoman onslaught. It was under these stories' weight that eljko's heart swelled with a fervent desire to defend his homeland.

In the heart of this chaos, eljko's lionhearted spirit burned brighter than ever. With his sword in hand, a extension of his Croatian soul, he rallied the soldiers, his voice ringing like a trumpet through the streets, calling them to stand together against the encroaching menace. As the sun's golden rays kissed the armour-clad warriors gathered around him, a shield against tyranny. eljko's gaze swept across their determined faces, each one a testament to the indomitable spirit of the Croats.

The castle ramparts that had withstood the ravages of previous assaults now faced an unparalleled test. From the parapets, eyes looked to witness a battle that would be sung about for centuries to come. eljko's heart swelled with pride, yet beneath it simmered a fire that was both fierce and unyielding. It was the fire of duty, of honor, of a legacy that demanded safeguarding. He clutched the hilt of his sword, an heirloom passed down through generations, its blade gleaming with a steely resolve that mirrored his own.

The Ottoman forces, an imposing sea of armour and banners, stretched out across the horizon but within eljko's heart, fear had no quarter. He bore the legacy of his forefathers, their valour and sacrifices flowing through his veins like a river of courage. As the two forces hurtled towards one another, the clash was as inevitable as the tides. Swords met shields, arrows blotted out the sky, and the very air was rent with the cries of warriors locked in mortal combat. eljko's blade sang with each swing, each strike carrying the hopes and dreams of his people. His lion's heart beat in harmony with the battle's cadence, his soul aflame with an otherworldly energy.

Amidst the bloody chaos, eljko saw the Ottoman commander, a figure of towering might and unshakable resolve, and charged toward him. eljko found himself face to face with Mehmed the Malevolent, an imposing warrior known for his prowess in battle, who radiates an aura of confidence that sends shivers down the spines of even the bravest souls.

With swords in hand, their eyes locked, and pulses racing, the champions entered a deadly waltz of violence. Mehmed, a scion of Ottoman might, his blade gleamed with a fearsome light, yet eljko's heart burned with ancestral fire, a determination that could never be quenched. Strike and parry, a symphony of steel striking steel and war cries resounded.

The battle continued, hours turned into an eternity, and as the battle raged on, the green field turned bloody red. As the sun sank below the horizon painting the sky in shades of crimson and gold, the Ottoman spirit faltered and the army began to retreat. Amidst the Croatian cries of triumph, eljko stood tall, his breath ragged but his spirit unbroken. The victory was hard-won, paid for in sweat and blood, but it was a victory that resonated through the ages. He had defended his homeland with the same valor and honor that had defined Croatia's heroes of old. The legacy of his bravery, the unbreakable spirit of a lion-hearted warrior, and his undying love for his homeland would inspire generations yet unborn, a beacon of hope that would shine through the darkest of times.

Extra: In the tumult of the 16th century, by eljko's victory, a legend was cast. His name would live on, a testament to the unbreakable spirit of a lion-hearted warrior who, against all odds, defended his Homeland and people with a soul ablaze with the fire of patriotic heroism."

The mills are abuzz that he is essaying multiple roles in this film. Lion Heart or Sherdil travels across historic time zones and merges the future with the past, as a warrior who seeks to establish the respect of women in society. Based on heady mix of facts, with some high-voltage fictional elements, this film also has a good amount of VFX and is said to have a unique story line. Fire, swords, high-tempo background score and with Lion Heart (Dr. MSG) appearing in the end, although for a split second, the motion poster sets the bar high. In the end, a wailing girl calls out for 'Sherdil'; the poster has created curiosity and the fans are eagerly awaiting the next sneak peek into the Lion Heart.

"MSG The Warrior Lion Heart chronicles the past life of Lion Heart, the high tech secret agent. As he faces aliens and their high-tech weapons a few hundred years ago, he has to unlock the age old secrets of ancient India to get the technologies to face the seeming insurmountable enemy," said Saint Dr. MSG. The movie revolves around a medieval warrior who fights alien invaders from outer space for the honour of his land and the dignity of the womenfolk. 006ab0faaa

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