Principal Investigator

Murilo Sversut Dias

Professor at the Ecology Department, Universidade de Brasília (UnB)

Faculty member of the Graduate Program in Ecology (PPG-Eco/UnB, CAPES level 6)

PhD in Ecology (Macroecology), MNHN-Paris, France (2012-2015). Associate Professor at UnB since 2016. My works focus on aquatic macroecology and biogeography with fish as major study model. I have experience in conducting large scale data analyses and simulations, and leading field work expeditions.

Contact: msdias (at) unb (dot) br


I seek proactive, independent students interested in major ecological and evolutionary theories.

PhD's students

Laís Salgueiro Ribeiro

I'm currently a PhD student interested in topics related to phylogenetic diversity and the mechanisms that determine diversity patterns at large spatial and temporal scales. Also, I am interested in incorporating phylogenetic information in biodiversity management and conservation actions.

My master’s degree project was entitled “Ecological and historical drivers of freshwater fish diversity patterns” in which I investigate the determinants of phylogenetic diversity and relatedness in assemblages of freshwater fish at the Amazon basin. You can check the resulting paper here (ResearchGate and Lattes profiles).

River fragmentation on stream fish assemblages

Isabela Braga

Master's students

Effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas in Brazil

Renata Souerbrom

Deforestation effects on Brazilian stream water flow

Fernanda G. Graciano Miranda

Undergraduate projects and students

Latitudinal effects on trophic interactions in global fish assemblages

Artur F.G. Braga

Alumni and projects

MSc. Gabriel Garcia Santos: The importance of time on reef fish studies: methods, interactions and assemblages

MSc. Natalia de Alencar Monteiro: Effectiveness of Federal Environmental Licensing processes

BSc. Hugo G. Almeida: Fish priority production areas in Brazil

BSc Aline A. Campelo: Land-use effects on trophic ecology of stream fish

BSc. Juliana de Freitas: Land-use effects on Brazilian freshwater fish fauna