Eat the Frog

The frog is that one thing you have on your to-do list that you have absolutely no motivation to do and that you’re most likely to procrastinate on. Eating the frog means to do just that, otherwise the frog will eat you.

Meaning that you’ll end up procrastinating it the whole day.

Once that one task is done, the rest of the day will be an easier ride and you will get both momentum and a sense of accomplishment at the beginning of your day.

How do I spot the frog?

There are always some tasks we would like to tick off of our to-do list as soon as possible and that if accomplished would help us feel better, but are just so unmotivating to do.

We usually wait until the end of the day to tackle them, often realizing we do not have any more time to do them today and pushing them on the to-do list for the day after. This builds pressure and stress. Indeed, those things end up weighing on our mind, becoming moment after moment heavier and heavier and preventing us to really accomplish something during the day.

In order to get an overview of your tasks and similarly to the Eisenhower Box technique, you can divide your to-do list into 4 categories:

Things you don’t want to do, but actually, need to do.

Things you want to do and actually need to do.

Things you want to do, but actually, don’t need to do.

Things you don’t want to do, and actually, don’t need to do.

The frog is the Things you don’t want to do, but actually, need to do.