Virtual Classroom Rules

Virtual Classroom Rules

1. Choose a quiet space, free from distractions, to set yourself up for class. Turn off cell phones, TVs, etc. Exit other applications on your computer prior to entering the classroom.

2. Come to class on time.

3. Dress appropriately. Remember this is still a classroom setting.

4. When you enter the classroom, make sure to enable both audio and video. You can click “Start Video” and “Join Audio” in the bottom menu. For audio connection, you can choose to connect via the computer or dial-in on your phone.

5. Mute your microphone during the lesson to avoid disturbing the class with any background noise.

6. Be respectful.

7. Participate. When you have a question or comment, use the “Raise your Hand” button. Wait to be acknowledged by the teacher before unmuting yourself to speak.

8. Use the chat responsibly. It is meant to facilitate conversation around the lesson topic, not for sideline discussions.

9. If you need to use the restroom, type RR in the chat before you go and please make it a quick break to avoid missing out on the lesson information.

10. When your class is over, leave the classroom by closing the window.