When planning for absences, please take your child's learning schedule into consideration. Although the entire day is important, I highly advise that students do not miss direct instruction in the core subjects of Math and ELA (Reading & Writing) if an absence is necessary. With this in mind, I would appreciate if appointments are scheduled outside of the Math and ELA blocks listed below. However, I completely understand personal limitations and will work with your child to make up any missed learning. Thank you in advance!

typical school day

7:55 - First Bell Rings

8:00-8:25 - Morning Meeting (tardy at 8:00)

8:25-9:15 - Reading

9:20-10:05 - Specials

10:05-10:15 - Read Aloud/Snack

10:15-10:40 - WIN (What I Need Interventions)

10:45-11:40 - Grammar/Reading Groups (D Day-TEAMS Lab)

11:40-11:55 - Recess

12:00-12:30 - Lunch

12:35-1:35- Math

1:35-1:50 - Reading

1:55-2:10 - Recess

2:15-2:30 - Read Aloud (D Day-Grammar)

2:30-3:00 - Social Studies / Science / The Leader in Me (D Day-Reading Groups)

3:00-3:20 - Pack Up

3:20 - Dismissal Bell Rings

SPecials rotation

A Day: Library

B Day: Art

C Day: P.E.

D Day: Music (+TEAMS Lab)

Early release (1:30 dismissal)

7:55 - First Bell Rings

8:00-8:25 - Morning Meeting (tardy at 8:00)

8:25-8:50 - Spelling Test

8:55-9:25 - Specials 

9:25-9:35 - Read Aloud/Snack

9:35-10:15 - Reading

10:15-10:40 - WIN ("What I Need" Interventions)

10:40-11:30 - Math

11:30-12:00 - Grammar (D Day- TEAMS Lab)

12:00-12:30 - Lunch

12:35-12:50 - Recess

12:50-1:15 - Read Aloud/Math

1:15-1:30 - Pack Up

1:30 - Dismissal Bell Rings

Half Day (11:30 Dismissal)

This schedule will be provided as soon as possible.