General Information


You may reach out to me with any questions or concerns via the following methods:

  • Phone: School phone number is 401-729-6254
  • I check email each morning prior to the start of school and at the end of the school day.
  • PLEASE do not email changes in pick-up at dismissal: I can not guarantee that I will see the email prior to dismissal. PLEASE CALL THE MAIN OFFICE to inform them of dismissal changes prior to 2:45.
  • SCHOOL STARTS at 9:00. If your child arrives late, he or she will be marked late.
  • Dismissal is at 3:10. If you are not able to pick up your child on time, please inform the office personnel.
  • Parent/Teacher meetings: If you would like to meet with me, I am available most mornings at 8:15 and Wednesday and Thursday afternoons at 3:30.
  • Student folders: Please check every night. Remove your child's work and return anything that is noted with the comment, "PLEASE RETURN".