The Department deals with all tutorial and admissions enquiries and provides administrative support in these areas to all students, as well as to supervisors, Directors of Studies and tutors. It creates and maintains student records and deals with matriculation, examinations, applications for student financial support and graduation.

Tutorial Office Reception is in Essex 4. This is located on the old side of College: cross over the Mathematical Bridge, turn right and walk out into the courtyard towards Old Kitchens. The glass panelled door in the corner is the entrance to the Essex building, and the Tutorial Office is upstairs.

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For the purposes of these tutorials, we will be using the Rite II forms of the Daily Office. I suggest using an actual copy of the book, but for you digital types, the BCP is available online here and here. To continue to the first Tutorial for Morning Prayer, keep reading!

Microsoft Word is a word processing software. It facilitates your writing and helps put together a document in one, organized place. You should plan to use Microsoft Word if you ever need to type digital papers, articles, or books. Even to make small changes to an already created document, Microsoft Word is the most user-friendly platform for that.

Right behind learning Word, Microsoft Excel is the next step. Excel arranges data in designated spaces and is the best software for organizing finances because of the straightforward setup. It will help you keep track of everything. With the tutorial, you will learn the essential office skills needed to learn Excel, including the use of formulas to set up automatic calculations, which will help you to not forget financial or numerical changes down the line. And, if you would like to make short, informational flyers or posted lists to print, this is the application you would find the most useful.

PowerPoint with Microsoft Office can make presentations for any topic you need to discuss. PowerPoint is an optimal tool for school projects, teaching lessons, business proposals, and any other knowledge you want to share and discuss with a large group of people. Also, utilize your new Microsoft PowerPoint skills to turn lengthy articles into easy-to-read slides and upload them to a website as high-quality content for your viewers.

Each of the Microsoft tutorials has both video and written tutorials available. For the best possibility of becoming an expert in one or more of the applications in Microsoft Office, you should carefully look at and follow every resource provided. Practice what you learn and make mockups or templates of skills that you will use most often.

FERPA (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) is a federal law that governs how we protect and disclose student educational records. As a recipient of federal funding, Penn State is obligated to comply with FERPA.

To assist University faculty and staff in understanding FERPA and its impact on their professional responsibilities, the Office of the University Registrar has developed an online tutorial, which can be found in the Learning Resource Network (LRN).

Welcome to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) training site, administered by the Office of the University Registrar. This site is intended to familiarize you with the law regarding student education records. FERPA (also known as the Buckley Amendment) is the federal law passed in 1974 that protects the privacy of student education records. As an institution that receives funding from the U.S. Secretary of Education, Penn State must comply with FERPA regulations.

Education records are maintained by University offices to facilitate the educational development of students. Faculty and staff members may also keep informal records relating to their functional responsibilities with individual students. The University has a policy regarding Confidentiality of Student Records (AD-11) and policies governing the use of the Penn State ID number and Social Security number (AD-53 and AD-97). Other related resources include, but are not limited to:

FERPA defines a student as anyone "in attendance" at an institution. According to Penn State policy, a student is defined as an individual currently or previously enrolled in any academic offering of the University. For newly admitted students, FERPA becomes effective on the first day of classes for those students who have scheduled at least one course. A student who accepted an admission offer but did not schedule at least one course, or a newly admitted student who canceled his/her registration either before or after the semester begins, is not covered by FERPA. FERPA does not cover prospective students or applicants to any academic program of the University.

According to Penn State policy, records will not be released to the student, his/her parents, or any third party if the student owes money to the University or if a serious academic and/or disciplinary matter involving the student remains unresolved.

Parents may obtain access to their student's education record (grades, GPA, etc.) by obtaining consent from their student. Students may provide consent for their parents to view grades and other portions of their education record through LionPATH. Once delegated access has been granted by the student, the parent may log into LionPATH and select any of the approved functions.

In recent years, the U.S. Department of Education has clarified that an electronic signature may substitute for a written one. In order to qualify as an electronic signature, appropriate authentication must occur. Penn State's access account satisfies the requirements for an electronic signature. Since students must log in to Penn State's email system using their Penn State access accounts, an email note from a student's email address satisfies FERPA's written consent requirement. However because security measures for other email systems are not as strict, an email received from a Gmail, Yahoo mail, or AOL mail account for example would NOT qualify as written consent.

FERPA permits disclosure of a student's education record without the student's consent to University officials having a legitimate educational interest in the record.

University officials are University employees with general or specific responsibility for promoting the educational objectives of the University, or third parties under contract with the University to provide professional, business and similar administrative services related to the University's educational mission. These include:

A Penn State employee exercises legitimate educational interest if that person needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibilities. The concept of legitimate educational interest only applies to University officials. Legitimate educational interests include:

*Anyone conducting research using information from student education records must receive approval for that research from Penn State's Office of Research Protections. In addition, researchers who are utilizing student education records in their research must agree to:

As we just said, student education records may be released without prior written consent to University officials having a legitimate educational interest in the records. In addition, Penn State may disclose education records or components thereof without written consent of students under the following circumstances:

The health/safety exception has always existed in FERPA, but received a great deal of attention following various incidents of campus violence. In December 2008, a change was made to the health and safety exception to provide more leeway to institutions in determining when to invoke the exception. Subsection 99.36 of FERPA states:

"An educational agency or institution may disclose personally identifiable information from an education record to appropriate parties, including parents of an eligible student, in connection with an emergency if knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals."

Previously the conditions under which the exception was invoked had to be "strictly construed." The regulation now specifies that, when an institution determines that an "articulable and significant threat" exists, the institution may release educational records without consent to those determined to be in a position to assist. The new regulation also requires documentation to include a description of the threat, the records that were released and the individuals to whom the release was made.

Directory information is information contained in a student's education record that would not generally be considered harmful or an invasion of privacy if disclosed. FERPA requires each institution to define its directory items.

It is important to also understand the concept of "implicit disclosure." An implicit disclosure may occur when a list consists only of directory information but the list itself by definition reveals non-directory information. For example, a list of names and email addresses of all students who have a particular grade-point average reveals the students' GPAs. Likewise, a class list containing names and email addresses of the students reveals class enrollments. Since neither grade-point average nor class enrollment are directory items, releasing these lists without prior consent of the students constitutes a FERPA violation.

There are many vendors offering services to streamline and improve instruction. Services such as WebAssign (an online homework and testing tool) and Piazza (a discussion tool) provide benefits to faculty and to students, often at no fee. Usually in order to use these services, the instructor must provide a class list to the vendor. Since class enrollment is not directory information, we must comply with FERPA before releasing this information to the vendor. FERPA either requires us to have the consent of every student to release his/her non-directory information, or to have a contract in place with the vendor containing four specific clauses. If an instructor is considering using any vendor product that requires student information, then the instructor must first check with to see if an appropriate contract is in place between Penn State and the vendor. 152ee80cbc

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