
Dillard Academy is a PBIS School. We use Class Dojo to promote positive behavior. Each day students can earn positive points for showing good behavior in the classroom. Students also can earn a PBIS point each day if they show SPOT ON behavior.

S- Show Respect

P- Practice Teamwork

O- Observe Safety

T- Take Responsibility.

In my classroom we also use a clip chart that aligns with dojo. Each day all students start on green. Students can move up or down on the clip chart. Students will always have a chance to move to different colors throughout the day. If your child ends the day on any color below green (orange or red) they will have a note on their behavior calendar and will not earn a PBIS point for the day. If your child ends they day on a color on or above green (blue, purple, pink) they will earn a PBIS point for the day.

Students will have a behavior calendar in their folders and it will be filled out each day with the color they end the day on based on the clip chart. Please make sure the behavior calendar stays in the homework folder.